Questions/statements from a prospective ebay bidder.

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Active Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Sold my bike on ebay. Here is a conversation I shared with one potential bidder. Posted for your entertainment value...

How much Horse Power does it have??? I have found out some have 100 H/P, 102H/P, 113H/P and 140H/P. I will need proof. I bought one already. A 1993 model and I ask the man what it was and he said 140H/p. He was wrong in has 100 H/P.

Me: This is a stock Generation One(1985-2007) Vmax. They all have the same horsepower. Properly tuned and from the factory they have about 140-145 horsepower at the motor. However, they are a shaft drive motorcycle. Shaft drives absorb about 20% of the horsepower by the time it gets down to the rear wheel. Properly tuned and from the factory they put about 110 horsepower to the wheel. You would need to do modifications to increase the horsepower and mine does not have any modifications. I do not have any proof of the horsepower. I am just listing the facts of the motorcycle and what a stock Vmax actually delivers. If you only have 100 or 102 horsepower, I will assume you are checking horsepower at the rear wheel. Maybe it could be tuned a little better, but you should not expect much more than 110 horsepower at the wheel on a stock Vmax.

I checked on the computer for the spec's for a lot of the v-max's. And I found out that there are a lot of 100H/P to 113H/P Motors, from 1985 to 2008. I understand the 200H/P came out in 2009. I have checked and re-checked on the computer. I just don't want to make a mistake again and not get the 140H/P Motor. Please check for yourself and see what the computer tells you. Can I get a phone # please so we can talk. I would like to try and figure a way out of Minnesota. I will have to be trusting you if I don't get to come and have the bike picked up and delivered to me. Thank you for your time and help.......

Me: How do you expect me to check the horsepower on my motorcycle. How did you find different specs for different motors I have seen a lot of internet sites that spread different rumors about the Vmax. They used the same motor for all of those years. I would rather you did not bid if you are looking for something more specific that I may not have.

I go to google and put in Yamaha 1993 or your year V-max Specs, and it will come up. Then go to the one that specs and open it up and it will give you everything there is about that bike. I have not bid yet. That is why I am trying to find me one with the 140H/P. I promise it is out there. They make them. I bought mine a 1993 VMax thinking it was a 140 Horse and found out later it was a 100H/P. Call me if you want too.

I checked your 2006 model and my luck it won't say how much horse Power it has. I would have to ride it now to be able to see. Because I have rode both. the 100HP and the 140HP and with that 140HP It wants to peel your skin back own you face when you take off. My 1993 Does not quite do that. It runs now don't get me wrong, but not like a 140 HP. I hate to put my own bike down, but the truth is the truth. I will do my best to find out what you have and let you know if someone don't buy it first.
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Not sure I understand this but all V Max motors are 145hp at the crank...that's the way they are made. Through variances in production tolerances some may be a bit more than, some a bit less. This transfers to the rear wheel hp which is what the dyno measures. Stock bikes will dyno between 110 - 120....but they all start out at 145 crank hp.

I'm only talking about stock, unchanged bikes.
Not sure I understand this but all V Max motors are 145hp at the crank...that's the way they are made. Through variances in production tolerances some may be a bit more than, some a bit less. This transfers to the rear wheel hp which is what the dyno measures. Stock bikes will dyno between 110 - 120....but they all start out at 145 crank hp.

I'm only talking about stock, unchanged bikes.

Added more details to the original post so that it is clear.
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Sounds like a scammer. The part about delivery is suspicious. Down the road he will want to send more that the bike costs or some other scam. All the BS is to disarm you for his scam to come. Just my opinion after racking up over 1000 seller feedbacks.
tell him to remove the cross manifolds and replace them by two tubes so he can have is vboost on all the time, get some needles and a breather and he will have his 145 hp. He might have a european model, might be possible...
some euro versions had as low as 90 or 100hp, french if i'm correct, that's the reason for paraller imports over here.
but all US and Canada were full power ones i believe.
Smells like an "English is my second-language" scammer as was mentioned. Don't encourage the contact, just drop him, stop communicating. If you say something to enrage him he might unleash a denial of service attack, or fill your inbox with millions of trash emails or try to get you to open a virus-laden email. "Here is payment in full, please see if it meets your needs!"
Yep when I was buying my bike it was to far away for me to test ride it, I got in touch with this old guy who use to own a bike dealership and was also a mechanic, I got him to look at the bike for me and first thing he asked was is in 100hp model or 145hp. So I asked the dealer I was buying from this question and they told me that all Vmax were the same, made me feel stuoid. I think the old guy said in some country's they disconnect the Vboost like Japan.
The first thing you should is restrict him from bidding. He is going to be a pain in the ass no matter if he is a scammer or not.
tell him to remove the cross manifolds and replace them by two tubes so he can have is vboost on all the time, get some needles and a breather and he will have his 145 hp. He might have a european model, might be possible...

That is what I was wondering about, if he might for some reason have with no V-boost or his is not working? :confused2:

Well to the scammer's defence, the 1983 Vmax did have 100hp as they were still developing Vboost. :rofl_200:
You can't argue with an idiot. He'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Rollie, that's awesome. I've heard "you can't argue with an idiot" before, but never "He'll just bring you down to his level and beat you with experience". :rofl_200: I'm stealing it :punk: