Rear wheel hub removal help?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Raleigh NC
I'm not sure what the part is called, but it makes the wheel spin from the diff shaft. I bought a cycle one off wheel and I need to take this part I'm talking about, off my oem wheel, and put it on the cycle one off wheel. The problem is, there are no bolts. Is it pressed in? Do I need to take it to a shoppe or can I remove and reinstall myself?

I'd upload a picture, but I'm on an iPad...
You can see the piece mounted on the cycle one off wheel section of the website though.
You guys are awesome, and were right on the money . Now, to just get this 200 tire setup into position!
Thanks Dale, I can hardly wait myself! I have no time at the moment, I hope to tear it down starting on the 14th. Without problems I should finish by the weekend...
My Brother in law/ sister has been here for a week and brought his '11 Stryker so we have been riding some, it feels good to twist Redbones grip that's for sure!