Rusty McNeil needs your prayers

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Still thinking of Ryan......and all who love her......

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I got an update from Rusty McNiel This afternoon things are getting better but slowly...Lets keep Rusty Ryan and Her family up on top of our thought and prayers!!!~

This is what He told me and trust me if he had not said it was ok to share I would not be posting this....

Things are rolling along, she went back to surgery yesterday to get a feeding tube into her stomach so they can get the tube out if her nose. And a tracheal tube in her throat to get the breathing machine out of her mouth and into her neck/trach. The g tube was successful but the trach was not successful as they said her lungs were not as healed as they thought.
She's going to be running on the breathing machine for a while longer till her lungs get better and they'll try again later, or even skip it altogether if the lungs heal enough.
Getting these two things out of her face\nose are a milestone in getting her out if ICU and into rehab.
Neuro response is getting better but she is still in coma and her responses are still on a primitive level, but able to respond to basic "squeeze my hand" command if they stimulate her hard enough.
These are some glimmers of hope were hanging onto that she will cOne out of this and be able to function again. Only time will tell.

Thank you Lawrence, feel free to pass this on as I'm just too weary to do more right now. I have been up at the hospital for 3 straight days now. Fixing to go home and get some rest. Ronald McDonald house has been a blessing I'll say that.
Sounds like some positive news, fingers crossed for a decent outcome.
From the pictures, she's a beautiful girl and it's so tragic what's happened.
Thank-you for passing Rusty's message along a113ycat. Any progress is good news and I will keep the prayers and positive thoughts for Ryan, Rusty and family.
Really sorry to hear of your daughter's terrible injuries Rusty, your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
I've got a little bit of good news, between excellent Dr.'s, Hospital and evryones prayers.

She had 4th surgery Friday, they put in a Stomach tube (G-Tube) and tried to do a Trach tube to get her off the intubation tube for breathing machine. The trach was not successful as her lungs were not quite ready to breath through the trach tube, they abandoned that and went back to the Intubation tube...

Her responses are increasing daily, before the Dr's could get her to respond if they "Deep" stimulated her and she would squeeze your hand on command....

In the last two days she is getting so that she will do this for anyone without the "deep" stimulation...Squeezing your hand, Really hard, when you talk to her, and if I'm not fooling myself she made tears when I talked to her...if I am fooling myself it's a hope that I'll keep anyway.

She is also blinking her eyelids, one more than the other, if you bother her eyes, these sound like little things but are way beyond what we were getting before, she is grimacing her mouth as well.....
Also moving her arms around alot....

She is not even coming close to "tracking" with her eyes, but they do dilate to light...

She is still in a coma.

There's hope, time will tell how far she will come out of this, but I'm hoping and praying for the best for her...

Thanks to all for your words, thoughts and prayers...

Rusty, that is great news! One day at a time and she will continue to amaze you with her progress.

I will keep praying for her complete recovery.

I just watched a beautiful 7 year old boy die in the room next to Ryan's, got hit by a car, pronounced brain dead after a few minutes. He's on life support so his family can donate his organs.
I'm Praying for his family to get through this and retain their good memories of a beautiful life lived with joy and exuberance. I spoke to his daddy briefly, they seem like nice people.
Another one yesterday was a 14 year old girl that shot herself in the head over a boy friend. She may or may not make it.

It seems so surreal to leave here and watch this city of 4 million people just keep right on moving along in the midst of all this. Like an inexorable steam roller with a life of its own.

Life flight seems to be landing here at Children's Memorial Herman every 20-30 minutes.

I don't feel so sorry for myself anymore.
I just watched a beautiful 7 year old boy die in the room next to Ryan's, got hit by a car, pronounced brain dead after a few minutes. He's on life support so his family can donate his organs.
I'm Praying for his family to get through this and retain their good memories of a beautiful life lived with joy and exuberance. I spoke to his daddy briefly, they seem like nice people.
Another one yesterday was a 14 year old girl that shot herself in the head over a boy friend. She may or may not make it.

It seems so surreal to leave here and watch this city of 4 million people just keep right on moving along in the midst of all this. Like an inexorable steam roller with a life of its own.

Life flight seems to be landing here at Children's Memorial Herman every 20-30 minutes.

I don't feel so sorry for myself anymore.

If you believe... you just gotta remember... this is the short life ... :biglaugh:
Baby steps my friend.......sometimes the slow way is the best way....

Great news....keep it coming...

We will keep it up on our end....Don't forget to take care of yourself as well...
Things just don't make any sense sometimes Rusty....stay strong, they WILL get better!

Thrilled to hear Ryan is continuing to show positive signs, that's great!

Thanks for keeping us updated. :eusa_pray::eusa_pray::eusa_pray:
In the last two days she is getting so that she will do this for anyone without the "deep" stimulation...Squeezing your hand, Really hard, when you talk to her, and if I'm not fooling myself she made tears when I talked to her...if I am fooling myself it's a hope that I'll keep anyway.

She is also blinking her eyelids, one more than the other, if you bother her eyes, these sound like little things but are way beyond what we were getting before, she is grimacing her mouth as well.....
Also moving her arms around alot....

That is the best thing I have read in a while!
It must feel like she's back. She's communicating, human emotions are coming out! :clapping:

AWESOME!!! CONGRATULATIONS RUSTY!!! :eusa_dance: :punk:
To me it sounds like a big thing, and I'm happy, on your behalf.
I just watched a beautiful 7 year old boy die in the room next to Ryan's, got hit by a car, pronounced brain dead after a few minutes. He's on life support so his family can donate his organs.
I'm Praying for his family to get through this and retain their good memories of a beautiful life lived with joy and exuberance. I spoke to his daddy briefly, they seem like nice people.
Another one yesterday was a 14 year old girl that shot herself in the head over a boy friend. She may or may not make it.

It seems so surreal to leave here and watch this city of 4 million people just keep right on moving along in the midst of all this. Like an inexorable steam roller with a life of its own.

Life flight seems to be landing here at Children's Memorial Herman every 20-30 minutes.

I don't feel so sorry for myself anymore.

There is a lot of tragedy in the world but there is more beauty if you look carefully. There is no telling how many lives that boy will save with his organs. I'll pray for his family as its gotta be one of the toughest things to go through.

I'm glad Ryan is improving so much and my wife and I are continuing to pray for her and your family.

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