So when I bought this bike it came with a Saddlemen bag….sits on the rack attached to backrest but here’s what’s weird to me.
It has an aluminum piece that sits in the bag and has 2 bolts that run thru it, the back of the bag and screws into the top mount holes for the pad…in fact the aluminum piece has a curve that match’s the curve on the bar so it fits together like it was made for it.
Seems to me like he rigged this up himself… well for sure.
Definitely mounts that bag solidly
It has an aluminum piece that sits in the bag and has 2 bolts that run thru it, the back of the bag and screws into the top mount holes for the pad…in fact the aluminum piece has a curve that match’s the curve on the bar so it fits together like it was made for it.
Seems to me like he rigged this up himself… well for sure.
Definitely mounts that bag solidly
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