Scary thought about the election

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Romney is silent on the NDAA, silent on going to war with no declaration from Congress as the Constitution calls for, silent on Obama not up holding the laws of the U.S. concerning Illegal's. Romney would let the Generals decide when we leave Afg. and Iraq and all the other places we are involved in and he would allow Israel to control our foreign policy in regards to the Middle East, doing what is best for Israel not us!

Romney will not balance the budget anymore than Obama will, unless he does it by cutting programs for the people such as SS and Medicaid, Medicare, etc, things we pay into, and raising spending on the military and of course not raising taxes on anyone. He will most likely cut it for Big business.

How did Romney get $108 million in an IRA:confused2:!!!

Reagan, the God of the Republicans, also left a mamoth deficit.

Klatu, pay real close attention to Romney as I have, and you will see for yourself.

Third party is the only way to go,,,all else has failed us miserably.

We are ******, it really is to late, and we will reap what we have sowed.


Regan left a mamoth deficit?? Where are we now in terms of both deficit AND national debt? Sometimes I don't think people understand the difference. Reagans deficit was largely a result of the DEMOCRAT congress' work. THE CONGRESS MAKES THE BUDGET. The president doesn't create a budget, deficit, surplus or otherwise. Congress does this. "Reagan's financial hole was like comparing a mouse hole to the Grand Canyon.
Your worried about a politician with off shore investments that may or may not be "legal"? The political spin has worked. Most every 401K held by normal people have investments outside the US.
We are on autopilot to complete financial disaster and politicians have succesfully achieved keeping people from focusing on our non existing budget (democrats have not passed one for several YEARS). We have news articals on "outsourcing" jobs by other competing candiates. SO WHAT?
Unless we have sustained fiscal growth of over 10% for YEARS our financial system implods. California and Illinois collectively have billions and billions in debt that can't be paid. They are bankrupt. Your worried about SS, medicare etc?? Guess what, they are on the path to insolvency. There is no "SS fund". Its a lie.
Throw away your vote this election and see what it does to fix what is headed our way in the next few years.
Instead I suggest WE fix the system that already exists. People don't like that idea because it takes years of personal involvement. Such is life.
a third party president isnt gonna get anything accomplished with a democratic and republican congress...cept maybe a few ********.....the problem isnt just the president...its our entire political system.

The 2 party system is horribly outdated. A third party candidate can accomplish repealing policies and elect supreme court judges who have actually read the constitution, more importantly, the bill of rights. Speaking of repealing, all these executive orders Obama has signed. EO to allow the government to seize all food, transportation, water, people to be relocated to FEMA camps, etc.
i'm less than happy with romney's record on 2nd amendment issues, but i'm not aware of him being a warmonger, or obama not being one. Did massachusetts attack anyone while he was governor? Did he order assassinations by drones on us citizens in direct violation of the 5th amendment (due process)?

You'll get no argument from me that the choices are poor. However, considering them equally poor is, imo, shoddy analysis. Given the abysmal handling of the government's fiscal matters, reelecting obama would send a message to all future motherfuckers who hold the job that they can expect to not be held accountable for their performance. Simply put, i consider re-hiring anyone who has done as poorly as the current admin as a giant **** you to our children & grandchildren. If the next sob does as poorly, then we fire his ass in 4 years, too.

4 years ago, the us government was $10,000,000,000,000.00 in debt. Today, we are nudging $16,000,000,000,000.00, and will easily surpass it by the end of obama's term. At this rate, that means he will have presided over a larger increase in debt than all other presidents combined by the end of his 6th year in office. He's got to ******* go.

Disclaimer: I was raised to be a democrat. That changed when i started studying economics. I am an accountant by profession, and a former treasury dept employee.

First one to cut a check to China for $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 wins........we're ****** PERIOD !
First one to cut a check to China for $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 wins........we're ****** PERIOD !

Medicare, medicade, welfare, "free health care" for the world, unsustainable benefit and pay packages for gov employees and elected officials, fraud, theft and on and on.

We can't fund all of this with taxes alone, so they drew up an IOU that had YOUR name on it along with your children's names and handed it to the Chinese for the difference.

While many are woried about a candidate's tax returns, or whether he MIGHT have comited a tax infraction, the political elite sale off to the Carribean laughing their ***** off at the voters that paid more attention to saving a rare endangered snail that could be killed at some point in the future if a nuke plant has a radiation leak.

GOD save the WHALES.
Medicare, medicade, welfare, "free health care" for the world, unsustainable benefit and pay packages for gov employees and elected officials, fraud, theft and on and on.

We can't fund all of this with taxes alone, so they drew up an IOU that had YOUR name on it along with your children's names and handed it to the Chinese for the difference.

While many are woried about a candidate's tax returns, or whether he MIGHT have comited a tax infraction, the political elite sale off to the Carribean laughing their ***** off at the voters that paid more attention to saving a rare endangered snail that could be killed at some point in the future if a nuke plant has a radiation leak.

GOD save the WHALES.

85 Max,

You are correct about most of what you say, I like that you do care, but there are many more stupid sheeple than the alternative. If all vote for 3rd parties things will come to a head very quickly and we may be able to save things, but it will be very hard even at that.

My concern is that you have fallen for the Reagan was God BS as spouted by so many bent over Republicans. He was a huge spender, and his second term was a disaster, I believe his mind was going at that time. I liked his pulling the Marines out of Beirut and then bringing in the Battle Ships to hammer the Muslims, as well as his tax cutting. In the end, I just think he was a tool.

I don't believe 2 party system is working for anybody but that being said a 3rd party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. So if you are just going to throw your vote away save yourself the time and don't even show up. I'm no Romney fan but you can bet your ass he's getting my vote. If you vote 3rd party you might as well just go ahead and vote for Obeyme!!!!!!!
I don't believe 2 party system is working for anybody but that being said a 3rd party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. So if you are just going to throw your vote away save yourself the time and don't even show up. I'm no Romney fan but you can bet your ass he's getting my vote. If you vote 3rd party you might as well just go ahead and vote for Obeyme!!!!!!!

tell em choctaw!!!:punk: gotta love political banter !!!:biglaugh:
i don't believe 2 party system is working for anybody but that being said a 3rd party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. So if you are just going to throw your vote away save yourself the time and don't even show up. I'm no romney fan but you can bet your ass he's getting my vote. If you vote 3rd party you might as well just go ahead and vote for obeyme!!!!!!!
+ 1
I don't believe 2 party system is working for anybody but that being said a 3rd party candidate has a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. So if you are just going to throw your vote away save yourself the time and don't even show up. I'm no Romney fan but you can bet your ass he's getting my vote. If you vote 3rd party you might as well just go ahead and vote for Obeyme!!!!!!!

If everyone did what you demand, one thing for sure, there would never be any change that is sorely needed.:rofl_200:

Dems and Republicans,,,owned by the same Masters.

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I know no govt is ever remotly close to perfect but, from a non biased outsider point of view, you guys are doomed.



Most of what we are pissed off and scared about here in the US are things Canada has had for a very long time, You're just used to it...Except for the deficit spending stuff we don't like I think all the socialism and gun control things we fear are already firmly entrenched "up there":biglaugh:

Couple of other things.

Debt is Debt and deficit is deficit, they are not interchangeable, totally different things..let's not confuse them..

Deficit is a yearly thing, how much MORE you spent than what you took in..

Debt is the cumulative total of money owed to creditors...Debt is partially (mostly?) a result of long term deficit spending...

And, My opinion only..

No third pary candidate will ever stand a chance in our lifetime, doesn't matter how much we agree with their ideas, and Ron Paul has some good ones..

Voting for a conservative/libertarian/tea party 3rd party candidate IS WORSE than throwing your vote in the garbage can, YOU effectively have voted for the dem's by taking away a vote from the other party with an actual chance to win, thereby increasing the dem's chances of being re-elected....

As much as the entrenched Republican establishment does things that are "politics as usual" that I don't like, I will never vote for the Dem's due simply to their stance on Gun Control, thier tendencies towards class warfare and demonizing success, and their willingness to turn the saftey nets this country has for the disadvantaged into Hammocks for this countries lazy. There really and truly are philosphical differences between the parties and they matter, (as in the original post, if Supreme court appointments aren't a good reason nothing is) even when a big part of the time.

The dem's philosophy that the "rich" aren't paying thier "fair share" is another case in point, 10 minutes of research on IRS.GOV will show you very quickly that the tax system is already INCREDIBLY progressive, with upper brackets paying a much higher portion of thetotal tax load compared as compared to share of total income and gradually shifting down the ladder inversely till the bottom half pay virtually no taxes while still getting a decent share of the income and another portion making a profit by getting a "refund" of money they didn't ever pay in....That's called something besides a refund in my book...

If the stupid ass Republicans would turn thier back on abortion issues and gay rights issues, and promise to never bring them up again....letting society have it's evolution in these areas as it will anyway....they would never lose another election, there are many fiscal conservative but otherwise moderate citizens out there that head for the hills over these hot button issues and end up voting dem instead..I know Santorum scared the **** out of me and I consider myself hardcore conservative....Guess I was wrong cause I don't want some creepy dude forcing religion down my throat or regulating what people do behind closed doors....

I don't give a **** what anyone does, I just don't want to be asked to pay for it..

So you would vote the same 2 groups in, year in and out, that have brought this country to it's knees:ummm:

Isn't that the definition of insanity??:confused2:

The thinking that you're wasting your vote is what keeps real change from happening. If the millions of people wouldn't be afraid that the vote is 'wasted' I don't care if anyone says it, I will never vote for the lesser of 2 evils, because the fact is, its still evil. I will always vote for principle before party. If the media would report news rather than fabricate and twist it, everyone would know about Ron Paul and gary Johnson

So you would vote the same 2 groups in, year in and out, that have brought this country to it's knees:ummm:

Isn't that the definition of insanity??:confused2:


No, I'd vote the same ONE group in year after year if I could.

I didn't say I vote against the lesser of two evils, I suggested others should hold their nose and do so if that's what it takes.
The things I don't like about the republican party aren't litmus tests for me overriding the issues I DO care about. So I vote that way, not against the libs, but for the conservatives.
Therefore for me at least I am voting FOR, not against.

If I am voting against somehow then it's against the general idea that the government is, or should be responsible for people's happiness and welfare beyond Lyndon Johnson's original concepts of a safety net for the unfortunate, rather than the hammock a lot of politicians promise people in an effort to troll for votes.

The end of every democracy is in sight when citizens discover they can "vote" themselves bread and circuses.

The things I don't like about both parties apply to both parties equally, it's the system itself and the behavior it encourages from any career politician with less than stellar integrity that's the problem.

I know you guys are right in a lot of ways but I honestly think the only way to change the system is from within, by getting people in office with integrity. There's plenty of those on all sides. Including the third side, I just think maybe the closest we'll ever have to that is if something like the tea party becomes super powerful and more of a Lobby and a stick over the head of politicians than a real party, It would be "The Peoples Lobby" forcing change from within.

I actually think it's kind of trending that way already.
85 Max,

You are correct about most of what you say, I like that you do care, but there are many more stupid sheeple than the alternative. If all vote for 3rd parties things will come to a head very quickly and we may be able to save things, but it will be very hard even at that.

My concern is that you have fallen for the Reagan was God BS as spouted by so many bent over Republicans. He was a huge spender, and his second term was a disaster, I believe his mind was going at that time. I liked his pulling the Marines out of Beirut and then bringing in the Battle Ships to hammer the Muslims, as well as his tax cutting. In the end, I just think he was a tool.


I never said Reagan was God. I will repeat my point though, Reagan could have suggested we spend 100 billion dollars a day on yogurt, but nothing would have come of it.
He spent nothing. Congress did, it's how our government opperates.

The congress passes the budget, and ultimately is responsible for the budget. Unless of course its our current congress that has not passed any budget for several years, and instead continues spending our future into the ground without any accountability whatsoever. They do not want their name on a vote that could be associated with this financial debocle in future elections. Despite the fact that passing a budget is their constitutionally defined duty they ignore this simple law and voters don't fire them.

Reagan has been dead for many years and has NOTHING to do with the free for all that is the circus residing in Washington now selling everything that isn't nailed down, including your future.

I would propose one question: If we can't vote out the idiots in BOTH parties that are responsible for this disaster, what would make anyone think they can muster enough votes for a third party to be successful?

People are so wrapped up in conspiracies, dirt digging, melting glaciers, solar powered outhouses, healthcare for Romanian midgets, entitlements, reparations etc etc. they let the money train roll on and on. The only problem is we cant pay for it. there is not enough money for this mindset, even if we seized all assets from everyone making over 50k a year forever. Instead we print it, borrow it. and seize it.

OUR POLITICIANS FEEL THEIR JOB IS SPENDING YOUR MONEY. We let it happen, pointing out how the other guy is to blame because there is a rumor that he once beat up a blind kid when he was in 4th grade.
I don't give a **** what anyone does, I just don't want to be asked to pay for it..
The thought that our governments function is to take from part of it's citizenry, and distribute this money to the the others is socialism. The really unfortunate part is that it will never work. It never has and never will.
Free market capitalism coupled with the concept of a constitutional republic is what made the USA capable of creating the highest standard of living the world has ever known. Every year we get farther away from this the worse we are getting screwed. Despite the politician that tearfully tells you all he needs is for EVERYONE to pay their fair share, and that he can then fix everything.
I never said Reagan was God. I will repeat my point though, Reagan could have suggested we spend 100 billion dollars a day on yogurt, but nothing would have come of it.
He spent nothing. Congress did, it's how our government opperates.

The congress passes the budget, and ultimately is responsible for the budget. Unless of course its our current congress that has not passed any budget for several years, and instead continues spending our future into the ground without any accountability whatsoever. They do not want their name on a vote that could be associated with this financial debocle in future elections. Despite the fact that passing a budget is their constitutionally defined duty they ignore this simple law and voters don't fire them.

Reagan has been dead for many years and has NOTHING to do with the free for all that is the circus residing in Washington now selling everything that isn't nailed down, including your future.

I would propose one question: If we can't vote out the idiots in BOTH parties that are responsible for this disaster, what would make anyone think they can muster enough votes for a third party to be successful?

People are so wrapped up in conspiracies, dirt digging, melting glaciers, solar powered outhouses, healthcare for Romanian midgets, entitlements, reparations etc etc. they let the money train roll on and on. The only problem is we cant pay for it. there is not enough money for this mindset, even if we seized all assets from everyone making over 50k a year forever. Instead we print it, borrow it. and seize it.

OUR POLITICIANS FEEL THEIR JOB IS SPENDING YOUR MONEY. We let it happen, pointing out how the other guy is to blame because there is a rumor that he once beat up a blind kid when he was in 4th grade.

Max Fan,

From your argument above, we must blame the Republicans for the wild spending because THEY now control really is not now Obamas fault:biglaugh:

Bush and Obama, back to back failed MOFU's, controlled by the same Puppet Masters.

Max Fan,

From your argument above, we must blame the Republicans for the wild spending because THEY now control really is not now Obamas fault:biglaugh:

Bush and Obama, back to back failed MOFU's, controlled by the same Puppet Masters.

Actually the republicans only have a slight majority in the house of representatives, the senate and presidency are held by the Democrats. As a result the republicans have almost no power.
I hear you though, I find many faults with the last decade of federal political performance.
I would say that both sides have proven incapable of acting financially responsable. I feel adding a third party will not fix the fact that we, the voting public, have also proven incapable of firing those that need to go. Adding another choice to the ticket won't fix that.
I know you guys are right in a lot of ways but I honestly think the only way to change the system is from within, by getting people in office with integrity. There's plenty of those on all sides. Including the third side, I just think maybe the closest we'll ever have to that is if something like the tea party becomes super powerful and more of a Lobby and a stick over the head of politicians than a real party, It would be "The Peoples Lobby" forcing change from within.

I actually think it's kind of trending that way already.

"if you want to change government, you must become government"
Actually the republicans only have a slight majority in the house of representatives, the senate and presidency are held by the Democrats. As a result the republicans have almost no power.
I hear you though, I find many faults with the last decade of federal political performance.
I would say that both sides have proven incapable of acting financially responsable. I feel adding a third party will not fix the fact that we, the voting public, have also proven incapable of firing those that need to go. Adding another choice to the ticket won't fix that.

That is just like offering for sale only Harley and Victory because the American buyer is to stupid to make any other choices, no Yama, Zuk, Kaw. BMW etc.

But hey if that is what you want:rofl_200:

Remember the people you put in, Dems or Republicans take their marching orders from the party, they are all the same, puppets.:bang head:
