Scary thought about the election

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That is just like offering for sale only Harley and Victory because the American buyer is to stupid to make any other choices, no Yama, Zuk, Kaw. BMW etc.

But hey if that is what you want:rofl_200:

Remember the people you put in, Dems or Republicans take their marching orders from the party, they are all the same, puppets.:bang head:

I understand how you view the two party system, and many feel the same way. I view politics as a necesary evil, and one best served by being as small as possible, as close to constitionally true as possible, with the least amount of interferance with my wallet as possible. This is not a question of what I want, its a question of what the voters want.

Regardless of which party we are looking at, most everyone in it is elected. We could fix either or both if the voting public decided to do so.

So far they have'nt.