Seventy Two killed in resisting gun confiscation in Boston.....

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With all the illegal guns out there that they don't know about and will not get, all they will be doing is disarming the innocent!There not making anyone safer.It's about control and money!And yes a revolution is surley coming!
It was a straight honest question as hunters here in Australia dont have them.
No need for attitude....cant I ask questions about it ?
Glad I live in Australia. .yes we have strict gun laws....but our kids are safe....

Yes you can ask harm there...

I enjoy the dialog.
It was a straight honest question as hunters here in Australia dont have them.
No need for attitude....cant I ask questions about it ?
Glad I live in Australia. .yes we have strict gun laws....but our kids are safe....
America is going down the toilet,And most see it.sdt 354 there daughter was in boston close to where the bomb went off.When you see America falling to hell it bothers some of us.Do a lil research sharky.
It was a straight honest question as hunters here in Australia dont have them.
No need for attitude....cant I ask questions about it ?
Glad I live in Australia. .yes we have strict gun laws....but our kids are safe....

That's OK Sharky.....ask all the questions you'd like, don't always expect a respectful answer though unfortunately.

Just so you know not all American households are armed to the teeth. I travel in and out of New York City all the time and have never wished I had a gun on my hip. There are of course some other places nearby where I would not feel safe even with a I don't go there. :)

It's a very vocal minority in this country who you might call gun fanatics, that feel they never have enough protection. I personally grew up around guns since I was a kid, had my own shotgun at age 11, but only ever thought of guns as a tool for hunting. I do have a shotgun for home protection that I only got recently.....but in my neighborhood most people don't even lock their doors.

I have family in Law Enforcement and the Military, so I'm not naive to the potential threats that exist in the world. I know there are plenty of bad guys out there. Unfortunately guns have become so prevalent it's easy in this country for a bad guy to get one. So we're in a kind of catch 22, some people want more guns and want to be able to get them easily, but the more guns that there are available, the more likely some of them will end up in the hands of a bad guy. IMO of course.
It was a straight honest question as hunters here in Australia dont have them.
No need for attitude....cant I ask questions about it ?
Glad I live in Australia. .yes we have strict gun laws....but our kids are safe....

If you look up the states here in the US that have the strictest gun control laws, they are also the states that have the highest murder rates.

And a population of roughly 22 million people in Australia vs 313 million in the US is like comparing apples to oranges.

Feel free to ask questions, but you can keep your attitude too. "but our kids are safe...."
If you look up the states here in the US that have the strictest gun control laws, they are also the states that have the highest murder rates.

And a population of roughly 22 million people in Australia vs 313 million in the US is like comparing apples to oranges.

Feel free to ask questions, but you can keep your attitude too. "but our kids are safe...."

IMHO I dont think anything that Sharky said had atitude. Unfortunately he doesnt live here....and so how he "see's" America is thru the eyes of media and reporters. After the news probably does sound like America is a jungle with a crazed gunman shooting women and kids every day. So now is the time to explain why we support...or dont support a weapons ban...and why. Yall know that I am pro 2nd admendment all the way...sometimes its fun debating with people that

As always.....more ramblings....
You know....I place a lot of the blame on parents...parents that want to be a "friend"...and care more about being their kids friend on facebook, than busting their ass when they mess up. I think there are a lot of kids (and young adults) that dont realize that when you mess up in life, there can be serious consequences.

Wild hogs can be VERY mean...and they are taking over a lot of territory...

:punk::punk::punk: But have to say BIG Brother screwed that up also telling people how to raise the kids..DONT Spank them put them in TIME OUT..:rofl_200::rofl_200:

Teachers in school cant handle the kids because of bad parenting but its hard to do what you have to sometimes cause big brother took your rights away to be a parent ... I can tell you Kids now have no respect for people( some do) when a 15 or 16 year old can stand up and tell a parent F*** you all you can say is go to your room or lets talk about your feelings...:rofl_200:.. yeah that's when the ass gets busted:punk:
on the other side ... if your an illegal ,pay no taxes, break the law, get free housing and food stamps and have no Job Etc is good! the only way to get it any better is you have to be a GAY Illegal then your cool and life is great! but I guess guns are the real problem..Really!!! wake up america
Gun laws right or wrong...

Well.....obviously something is not working judging by the number of mass shootings be it theatre's schools or malls......
If the guns are taken, it'll be mass sling shottings, then when those are taken, mass stonings, and so on. It eventually gets to the point we can't have a belt or shoe laces because we could choke somebody, and "bad guys" can still get a gun illegally. It turns honest folks into criminals because they have a gun. Honestly, I've got about 15 guns, and not one of them has ever killed somebody on its own, which leads me to believe its not the guns fault. You can blow a building sky high, and yet fertilizer is still allowed. I say enforce stricter punishment for crimes committed, and quit letting minorities off with lesser punishment. Politicians think everything is cool if we have no guns, because they've got 20 folks surrounding them that all have guns, and will give their life to protect them. America's falling. To me, it's more about the fact that my rights are being stripped than the whole gun part of it. I'm a straight, legal, Caucasian male, and I pay taxes to feed parasites who don't work, and I'm sick of giving 30% of my money to pay for them, and the idiots who are systematically removing my rights to do anything other than what they feel will benefit them. End rant. I'm stepping out of this thread, because it's making my gun want to shoot people on its own.
Freedom isn't free. It comes with responsibilities and risks. We each have the responsibility not to abuse our freedoms, and take the risk that someone else will. It's true that the U.S. has a high incidence of violence in the population. It's also true that the populations of many other countries must endure high incidences of violence from their own governments.

We've been a rowdy, dangerous bunch from the beginning of this nation! Yes, we fight amongst ourselves. Our children would probably be safer, from themselves and those around them, if we gave up some of our freedoms. But what I know won't happen is the rise of a dictatorship, or an invasion from a foreign land, because they would be guaranteed of a door-to-door fight to the death with millions of crazy, well-armed, freedom-loving citizens!

Of course, the best part about freedom is that we're not forcing anyone to stay here. If the responsibility is too great, the risks are too much, or you just don't feel like staying, then there's the door. Buh-bye. Isn't it ironic that the international community/media often bad-mouths the U.S., yet we're overwhelmed with immigrants. It sounds to me like our reputation isn't bad enough!

Well put !! I will put a sign up at the beginning of my driveway saying It's NOT OK TO ROB MY HOUSE BUT IF YOU DO PLEASE PLEASE JUST BRING 1 BULLET !! ********* I want 30 rounds to make sure trespasser will not have advantage or a chance when I will need to reload .
If you wanna fight so hard to have assault rifles (and god knows why the average Joe needs one) stop all the crying and outrage when someone goes goes apeshit crazy and slaughters your kids....
You can't have it both ways...whats wrong with psych checks...locked gun cabinets...checks on mental stability of others in house where the guns are...if it stops someones kid dieing.
Wonder how loud the NRA members would shout if their kids were mowned down ??

You didn't just ask questions. You made accusations, which I still resent. The question was answered respectfully. For the accusations I gave you attitude. Don't twist it around like you only asked a simple question! Read the post above. Stick your nose and opinions in OUR business, which your free to do, and expect any kind of responce. Which I'm free to do also.This is all because a group of brave people had equal fire power to fight tyranny in the 1700's. We're on the verge of the same situation today. Get it now Mr Sharky? PM me if you need further dialog. Done.
Gun laws right or wrong...

Well.....obviously something is not working judging by the number of mass shootings be it theatre's schools or malls......

People have been killing others since they found sticks and stones. Guns are not the problem. People are the problem. As others have mentioned. Issues cause some to kill others, be it upbringing, mental disorders or genetically altered food. Some just want to be famous for something, anything. Actually, Dr's kill more people in America, Maybe we should Outlaw Doctors.:confused2: Texting and Driving is moving up the charts too.
I hear they are coming out with phones that won't text at speeds over 5mph.:ummm:
I hear they are coming out with phones that won't text at speeds over 5mph.

I'm actually in favor of that! I'm on the road a lot in my pickup truck, and what I see people doing in their cars is scary.

I feel it's MUCH more likely I'll be killed on my Vmax by some idiot texting then by some maniac with an assault type weapon.
Gun laws right or wrong...

Well.....obviously something is not working judging by the number of mass shootings be it theatre's schools or malls......

Not trying to give you attitude but you are wrong again.. We have had mass shootings recently but if you follow history we are still at about the average we've always been.. Once again, if you don't believe me look it up for yourself...

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Only the beginning of what is to come I fear. Please read the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Then asks yourself are you being repressed and unfairly treated. The answer is yes
Gun laws right or wrong...

Well.....obviously something is not working judging by the number of mass shootings be it theatre's schools or malls......

I don't want to "pile" on Sharky. But rather I would like to say I would like to "inform or educate" you.

Are you going to hear about the robbery at Jimmy's Coney island that the bandit made off with $50 in tip money , brandished a butter knife, and did it with only 2 people in the store? Nope, that wont make news.

Will you hear about the drunk lady that ran into a bus stop on Tuesday morning, killing 3 10 years olds, wounding 6 others and ran from the scene? Yes, that will make headlines.

So lets examine the millions of guns in the United States that have lawfully been purchased. The statistics for the amount of guns that have caused violent crime is so little in comparison, somewhere around .03 % compared to how many have not committed violent crime.

But lets examine further to how many firearms have deterred a violent crime from happening, saved numerous innocent lives.... those facts and stats don't make headlines as much, if at all. Mainly because murder sells. If someone didn't die from the incident that who wants to hear about it?

Its called targeted media. Lets make the mass uneducated media see and hear what we want them to believe. How many people DO NOT look up the information blabbed on media networks to see how much is misinformation vs how much is actually true. I would hate to imagine the number would be as high as 95%, but I wouldn't doubt it would be. I am guilty of it as well. I don't research everything, I don't have time. So I don't really believe 100% of what is being said because of it. I know what it takes to make headlines and ratings and know that unless its embellished a little it wont make ratings.

So lets take perspective. Go watch a movie that was made in the 60's, heck lets even jump that up to the 90's. Now go watch a movie made within the last 6 months. I think you will notice exactly what I am saying. The action, or lack of, in the older movies, or the graphics that aren't quite as accurate/beautiful. People will instantly turn off a movie that isn't all action or glamorous. Awesome acting has taken a side line to graphics.

Hence my example. Awesome death numbers take presidency over cute little puppies, when it comes to headline news.

Why can't we have a headline, "Boyscout saves kitten from tree"? Because no one cares, but " Mass Murder with red hair commits chaos with Assault Rifle " well that one people want to hear about.

Its a sad world we live in today that it has come down to media hype and crap like that. Sad indeed.

I can only hope and pray that Australia really is as safe as you think it is.

Here are some tidbits and scary facts about Australia's gun ban effort.

It has now been over 10 years since gun owners in Australia were forced by new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own Government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.

The statistics for the years following the ban are now in:

Accidental gun deaths are 300% higher than the pre-1997 ban rate

The assault rate has increased 800% since 1991, and increased 200% since the 1997 gun ban.

Robbery and armed robbery have increase 20% from the pre-97 ban rate.

From immediately after the ban was instituted in 1997 through 2002, the robbery and armed robbery rate was up 200% over the pre-ban rates.

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up 171 percent

Let's examine the overall murder rate and the gun murder rate in Australia. Take note both are virtually unchanged and unaffected by the gun ban. The Australian experience and the other historical facts above prove it. While the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals still possess their guns

Some more fun tables to shut liberals up:



The trend in assaults shows an average growth of five percent each year from 1995 to 2007. The Australians "banned" guns in 1997 as you will recall.



Oh look how armed robbery increased after the gun ban. Look how robbery increased too. Note that incidence of armed robbery as compared to unarmed robbery never changed after the gun ban. It's almost as if the only affect the gun ban had was to increase the number of people that were robbed (or assaulted).



Oh look. after we banned guns in 1997, people murdered by guns decreased by 10%. On the other hand, people murdered by knives increased by 10%. Well, at least you weren't shot to death and thank goodness no criminals were hurt in the commission of their murders. Awesome!



Reported sexual assaults have increased by 51 percent since 1995, at an average of four percent each year. Let's not forget about those little Sheilas now. look at that. They're getting raped more often than ever now that the rapists know they're unarmed. How about that.

This is taken from various studies I researched and googled.