Seventy Two killed in resisting gun confiscation in Boston.....

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Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Where does it say anything about hunting? where does its say anything protection?

Perhaps we need to understand what it says... and why it says it... This is short and very clear and simple to understand. I as an American understand history and the events that took place.... All I can say it our fore-fathers are rolling in their graves for all the **** that goes on today.
Our forefathers had already lived thru a they put checks and balances in place so nothing like that would ever happen again.

The bill of rights....are those checks and balances.
True....I dont have a gun as such......but I do have a 30 round, 3" nail Paslode gas framing

Wait! Isn't that a SEMI AUTOMATiC air gun with greater then a 4.5mm bore? I think that is illegal too. I wonder if its also greater then 12 ft pounds...

I'm sure they could twist the "gun" laws to take that from you too. <BMFG>
I was not saying ban guns...I understand why people want/need them.
It was explained to me as to why some people want semi auto's....(hunting large game).
I asked why is there not more research into the psych....surely if someone had a history of violence or manic depression they would not be a good candidate for a high powered weapon ?

It does **** me when all sorts of statistics are dragged out...the old joke about politicians comes to mind....'lies,lies and statistics'

If you are going to talk about the constitution and the second amendment, research it.
It was drawn up in 1791 and was about defending your land. A US High Court stated it did not give you the right to have any sort of gun anywhere.

I wish I could have a small firearm , safely stored, in the house as defense against intruders but unfortunately that does not count as a legitimate reason here in Australia.....

Anyway...enough of this.....time to get back to bikes ....

+1 on back to bikes.
+1 on back to bikes.

THAT is just the attitude the goverment wants from you and me make us look the other way while they take our rights and freedom away one at a time . Turn America into England , Australia and France...nice countries one and all , but unable to defend themselves from themselves...:confused2:

Speaking for aint getting my guns...not peacefully anyways...
THAT is just the attitude the goverment wants from you and me make us look the other way while they take our rights and freedom away one at a time . Turn America into England , Australia and France...nice countries one and all , but unable to defend themselves from themselves...:confused2:

Speaking for aint getting my guns...not peacefully anyways...

England took many gun rights away from it's citizens following the deadly antics of one Michael Ryan in Hungerford in the early 90's and later the nut case at Dunblane. It hasn't reduced the murder rate back home one iota. Much like Chicago, the criminals still get guns and commit violence while the law abider has no defence against these thugs. I cba to check but last I heard Switzerland which still carries a compulsory military conscription and virtually demands gun ownership of able bodied citizens has an extraordinarily low murder and armed robbery rate. The facts don't lie.

Its not about gun ownership as much as its about educating those that don't understand. And not just educating on a gun owning level, but on a political level so we have people in office that we understand what they are fighting for, or where they stand on the topics of the day.

I always tell people, your better to not vote for a president, because one man can't do anything. But your better to vote for people in your state, learn about them and make wise decisions. Because those men and women are the ones that keep one man from running the country by himself.

And of course, one man isnt just one man, its a regime of power hungry controllers positioning themselves behind one entity and using that entity to persuade people that their misguided ways are correct or good for you.
Like I said before...I have been involved in Gun violence.....I didnt take offense to what was said....I will sit down and have a chat with anyone about this. I would even sit with someone from across the border, buy them a beer, and discuss this.

You are on Buddy. How about a taco to go with that beer?
You are on Buddy. How about a taco to go with that beer?

LOL...I was wondering if you would figure it out. Thru out many discussions on here with people, its never been personal. For me its all about stating a point of view, and if I state it well enough...I might be able to sway someone else's opinion.

And to me..that's the whole point of having a place like this forum, a place for open discussion between adults, that may or may not agree.