The indictments clearly lay out how Russia was(and they still continue) to sow discord among Americans. To fan the flames of the proverbial Hatfields vs McCoys. And clearly it's working.
At the end of the day Russia ran 1 million dollar a month political campaign. They not only promoted Trump, but they also promoted Sanders and Stein which would in turn bleed some votes off of Clinton than they potentially would Trump. And the efforts targetting BLM was to perpetuate the division among Americans more than political reasons. Look at how the right holds up BLM as an equivalent to the left's labels of neo-nazis as domestic terrorists. Hatfields vs McCoys propoganda.
Russia's efforts are working. For just a million a month without a shot being fired. They're gonna get America to collapse on itself like America did with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
But at the end of the day, despite every Trump appointed head of intel saying Russia is going to continue to do it, even if you believe they weren't trying to help him, they're still clearly ******* with us.
Yet Trump still has yet to speak ill of Russia once and has yet to impose those sanctions on Russia - deliberately disobeying the law. Now that the indictments are out(I'm sure more are forthcoming) and clearly show evidence of a very deliberate effort from Russia, it's worth pointing out most of this is stuff Trump has been briefed on before he even took office. That Russia has been ******* with us is most definitely not news to him if he's actually paying attention to his daily briefings. But he's been constantly denying it publically. Why?
So I think it's worthy remind folks he actually proposed a joint cyber defense unit with Russia:
I think it also is a good time to remind folks that Putin tossed a few hundred people from the US Embassy in Moscow, Trump publically THANKED Putin:
I'd also like to point out that Trump appointee Mulvaney is not going to investigate that Equifax hack, which
was the largest U.S. identity theft on record, and by the way, was actually a lot worse than initially reported:
Did you know a couple of Romanians hacked DC security cameras just before Trump's inauguration?
Did you know hackers are successfully penetrating US power grids?
Now I'm not laying all of this at Trump's feet. The counter-intel community has been raising red flags about this for many years. The Obama administration was slow to react. It also didn't help when a certain treasonweasel sitting in Moscow right now by the name of Edward Snowden gave Moscow the keys to our digital kingdom.
The Obama administration did impose sanctions, threw a few dozen Russians diplomats out and closed two Russian compounds. Those sanctions also gave about 80 million to the State Department to fight against Russia disinformation and SoS Rex Tillerson never used it(it had an expiration date) because he worried it would rile Moscow. Which by the way is sort of why Trump claims he wont impose sanctions on Russia. They don't want to piss Russia off. They'll talk tough to our allies in NATO but don't want to rile Moscow. Think about that.
Now Trump is sitting on sanctions he won't implement and claims they're already serving as a deterrent despite the fact that the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, NGA and the Director of Nation Intelligence(all Trump appointees BTW) claimed just last week that Russia is not deterred at all. Hell Rex "I dont want to rile Moscow" Tillerson has just recently claimed Russia is already interferring in the 2018 midterms. But this weekend Trump went on a tweet storm about Mueller's indictments and he blamed Obama, the Democrats, Hillary, and the media... he never once blamed Russia. Does it not make you curious why Trump won't speak one ill word of Russia or follow the law and impose the sanctions? Wasn't he promoting himself as the 'law and order' candidate?
This is nuts.