Here it is. It's a different look. Dunno if I'd repeat it. Probably not. It looks like something Wiley Coyote would use to try and catch the Roadrunner,
Acme Ignition Coils. I am not a fan of the matte near-total blackout look.
About the coils placement 'freeing up room,' and 'making maintenance easier,' let's look at the first. What are you going to use the room behind the steering head for? Not much there for gained storage which is convenient to access. The coils by the battery, you have to remove that plate anyway to access the battery for removal, but about the only time I access the battery is to replace it every few years. If the coils aren't there, the gained space isn't very-big, and unless you're a Munchkin I don't think a thin nylon windbreaker would fit into the freed-up space from removing the coils. Maybe enough space for a small paperback book?
That owner's ideas have made her bike distinctive, and the R1/R6 front brakes if they have HH composition pads, should aid braking. It's a clean look being mostly matte monochrome, maybe like the 1980's AMG Mercedes-Benz's where everything was painted in the same color.

Miami Vice!
Here's a factually-challenged 'review' of the VMax from a video following the
Clubstyle video. See how many errors about the bike you can find. Did you know the side scoops are 'plastic?' They are, according to the narrator. Another questionable statement:
"The only practical thing on this bike is having a helmet lock." Then he immediately mentions the sidestand. Oh well.
This bike does not have any utility whatsoever... ." It does, if your idea of 'utility' is hauling ass. In the 22 minute video, after mentioning non-subjects like the blank oval in the faux tank-mounted instruments bezel, he finally does get around to stretching the throttle cables. I'd be more interested if he spent less-time on the aftermarket handlebar-end mirrors, and went to a dragstrip to find-out what this bike's real mission is.