They (Vdot) puts down this brine solution on the before any bad weather comes and I watch these idiot drivers driving thru this crud like it's water .
They (Vdot) puts down this brine solution on the before any bad weather comes and I watch these idiot drivers driving thru this crud like it's water .
They tried a new product up here a couple of years back called liquid calcium (liquid salt) - it was more like liquid rust. You can almost watch cars dissolve over the winter months.
Exposed wiring would pretty much melt.
They stopped using it last winter due to too many complaints.
Around here they use salt/ sand mixture which is immediately grippy and then the salt does it's work on the snow/ice. Works same way on a vehicle, the melting mixture gets sprayed in a fine mixture(sure to get into every crack, crevice and pile up on body panels, bumpers, frame, axles and what not to start it's slow rot of all metal even slightly exposed. They only lay it down at corners and intersections in rural areas luckily.They (Vdot) puts down this brine solution on the road before any bad weather comes and I watch these idiot drivers driving thru this crud like it's water .