Speeding Tickets anyone??

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I got $245 + $25 for an online course to not get points or a record.

To be fair I got away lightly, that was just a ticket for doing 89 mph in a 70 mph limit, and he had me well over 100 and said the slowest I went was 92.

Ah the joys of Vboost..
only one on the max so far. 110 in a 65. $100
$165 for 85 in a 55 mph zone, 30 over. He had me on radar for 102/ 100/ 97 but was nice because I pulled right over. At 35 mph over they can invite you over for a sleep over and impound your bike. Added 4 points on license though, and if I get 7 points within 2 years = suspended license!
Man, other states let you off easy.

I got one last summer on the Magna for 72 in a 55. Cop was some hot-to-trot kid that couldn't have been a day over 18 who proceeded to be a huge ******* about the whole thing.

Ticket would have cost me $320 if I had checked the "guilty" box. I plead it down to a "failure to obey traffic device", which let me off with only $200....what a bargain. Over $300 for only 17 over, that's only the second "bracket" of fees. Can't imagine what the 20-30 over and the 30-40 over fines are.

Over 40 in NY and your license is automatically suspended, and if the cop decides you were going that fast with someone else, you can be eligible for a street racing charge, which is thousands in fines, impound the bike, and yank your license. Think it's up to a month in jail also.
TBH the cop that got me could have raped me all the way. He had me 30 over, so that meant he could have impounded the bike, thrown me in a cell, taken my license on the spot and let me sort it out with a judge. Plus a fine, a ban, points, driving record...

Ya, I got off WELL lightly, considering this was FL!
Can't remember speeding ticket on the max (got an exhibition of speed from wheelies though that cost a bunch since they suspended my license). Fastest tagged in the car was 96 in a 65 and 80 in a 40 both within a week of each other - doh!

I know my friend scott was tagged on his Vmax for over 100 in a 55 and his ticket was in the $600-$800 range if I remember right. I think he had finally paid it off right before he was killed on the bike.

I think I got one way back for like 62mph in a 45 zone. And I got one for AVG 72mph in a 60 zone on the way to class one afternoon. That one was from an airplane. I had left the stop light two miles back and accelerated to past 120mph. (open hwy just outside town), and noticed the cops had someone pulled over over 1 1/2 miles ahead and slowed way down, not knowing the guys in the plane overhead were stopwatching me between two ground markers.

ALL THE REST of the times I got triggered at supersonic speeds, I ducked into town and eluded. There were several of those bum puckering potential day spoilers. I was immortal back then though. Nothing could harm me - if you know what I mean. :biglaugh:
Never got a speeding ticket on any bike but did get an excess of 100 in a 30 with a GTO 400 convertible......speaking of invulnerability! :biglaugh:

Never stopped, naturally, and when they issued the John Doe warrant...."believed to be...." I got a lawyer and got it reduced to $10 for loud pipes. Lawyer says, "Danny, were you really going 100 mph down Main Street?" "I was going a lot faster than that!" was my reply. That's why I knew they couldn't testify that they were certain it was me!! Oh, and I had the lights out too! :biglaugh:

To my credit, it wasn't hi-noon or anything....about 2:00 am and the sidewalks had been rolled up and put away for the night!
Never got a speeding ticket on any bike but did get an excess of 100 in a 30 with a GTO 400 convertible......speaking of invulnerability! :biglaugh:

Never stopped, naturally, and when they issued the John Doe warrant...."believed to be...." I got a lawyer and got it reduced to $10 for loud pipes. Lawyer says, "Danny, were you really going 100 mph down Main Street?" "I was going a lot faster than that!" was my reply. That's why I knew they couldn't testify that they were certain it was me!! Oh, and I had the lights out too! :biglaugh:

To my credit, it wasn't hi-noon or anything....about 2:00 am and the sidewalks had been rolled up and put away for the night!

Life in a small town can be a LOT of fun sometimes huh?!?!?:biglaugh:

When I was younger we used to do stuff like that all the time......The police knew full well who had the "really loud red car that flew by like a jet":eusa_dance:.......
Got one 20 years ago for 80 in a 55. Cost $150. Alot of money back then. It was a blonde state trooper and she was HOT!! That took the sting off a little.
The funny thing is that had I recognized the sheriff that gave me the ticket he may had let me off. I had met him, at his house, the day I took/ passed my m/c riding test. My buddy, who is a tribal cop rode with my brother and I to the testing site and on the way home we stopped at the sheriiff's house b/c Paul wanted to ask him a question. We talked for about 30 minutes although Paul did most of the talking. Damn my memory could of saved me that day, I had met the guy only 5 months earlier!
Wow, somebody actually got a ticket from an aircraft? I see those signs all over the place and figured they were more of a "scare tactic". Compared to a beat cop with a radar gun, putting a plane in the air and paying a pilot would be ludicrously expensive. Can't imagine that would be cost effective.

The kid that pulled me over was really trying to bag me for more...he checked the inspection sticker, checked all my lights, even knelt down and looked at the tire tread. It was like 1am so I bet he figured I was drunk or something and was disappointed when it was "just" speeding.

Had a couple "butt pucker" moments where I blew by cops on the highway at 90-95, but they never pulled out. Haven't had to "elude", yet. As peppy as that 500cc Magna was, I knew it was no match for a Crown Vic and I wasn't near a big enough town to lose him in side streets.
They use aircraft here on every sunny summer day they can. I live close to the highway and you can hear the drone of the cops plane as it makes passes over the section of road they are timing. Where is a SAM when you need one? (just kidding, of course!)
:rocket bike:You guys stop:biglaugh:
Just messing, really...Never speed here..
Yeah timmy, I have seen your driving record...:clapping:
:rocket bike:You guys stop:biglaugh:
Just messing, really...Never speed here..
Yeah timmy, I have seen your driving record...:clapping:

Never speed.......:rofl_200::rofl_200:

You have a VMAX and never speed:rofl_200::rofl_200:
Wow, somebody actually got a ticket from an aircraft? I see those signs all over the place and figured they were more of a "scare tactic". Compared to a beat cop with a radar gun, putting a plane in the air and paying a pilot would be ludicrously expensive. Can't imagine that would be cost effective.

The kid that pulled me over was really trying to bag me for more...he checked the inspection sticker, checked all my lights, even knelt down and looked at the tire tread. It was like 1am so I bet he figured I was drunk or something and was disappointed when it was "just" speeding.

Had a couple "butt pucker" moments where I blew by cops on the highway at 90-95, but they never pulled out. Haven't had to "elude", yet. As peppy as that 500cc Magna was, I knew it was no match for a Crown Vic and I wasn't near a big enough town to lose him in side streets.
That is why there are lines crossing the road, so they can time you and then radio ahead to the car. I was with a friend and he got pinched this way. 100% unfair if you ask me.
Still, I can't imagine that would be worth it from a cost perspective. Pilots don't come cheap, and even a small aircraft burns many times the fuel of the average Crown Vic. Plus aircraft are a lot more expensive to purchase and maintain.

Have to watch out for those lines across the road.

Yeah, saying you never speed on your Vmax is analogous to the guy who says he's never jerked off-----show me one and I'll show you a liar!:rofl_200: