First off, what year is the bike, how long have you owned it and when the problem start?
Footnote: You should never have the engine firing without having the plug wires grounded. This could destroy your ignitor unit.
If you don't have a service manual, you will need one. You can find one online at the vmaxoutlaw site.
Now, if all 4 plugs have proper spark after testing them (by removing all 4 sparkplugs, leaving them plugged in the spark plug wires and grounded to the engine - turn ignition on and hit the starter botton). If they all spark, than I would check the complete carb system first. Use the step by step in the sevice manual.
Remove air box or individual filters, complete carb bank and complete manifolds vboost system. Check condition of rubber o'rings between the manifolds and engine heads. Check vboost and manifold rubber boots for cracks (can only be done by taking the manifold assembly apart and bending the boots to see for cracks. Next take the carb bank apart, then each carb completely apart (one from the bank at a time) Check all rubber o'rings including the ones from the air/fuel mixture screws. Check the rubber diaphram for cracks and remove the needle set and make sure the all the pieces are there (compare to diagram in service manual), than reinstall it and make sure it is seated properly. Use carb cleaner and compressed air to clean all passages. Reassemble the carb, set the air/fuel screws to 2.5 turns and set the float levels and put back on the carb bank and on to the next one.
Put carb bank back on and air box/filters, throttle cables, etc... Start bike, warm it up and do the carb sync and go for a ride.
Is this alot of work, YES, but if you have the mechancal ability and follow the step by step proceedure in the service manual, it should solve the problem you where having or you will know for sure that it is an electrical problem. Either way your carb system will be 100%.
Completely redoing your carb system from start to finish will save you alot of aggrevation and second guessing. Just make sure you follow all the steps in the service manual.
Good luck