Still waiting!! Anyone else?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
South Jersey
Its Jan and I am getting anxous for my max to come in. I wish the date was more accurate rather than Jan or Feb.:bang head:
Late February for me. Not too worried about though cant ride anyway. All the secondary roads here are snowpacked.
Don't hate on me, but I rode the beast for most of the day today...:eusa_dance:

No worries though, it's worth the wait. This bike is crazy good. If this bike doesn't win best of 2009 I will be very surprised. Every little detail is well thought out. This is the bike I have been waiting for for a very long time. It doesn't disappoint in any form or fashion. It is the original Vmax times ten.
Mine came in Dec. but I was just wondering if it was just the Nov. deliveries that were delayed a month or all deliveries. I live in South Dakota and the weather hasn't been very good for riding. I do have 400 miles on the VMAX now but waiting for clear roads and decent weather is worse than waiting on the VMAX because now I now what I've been missing!
Late February for me. Not too worried about though cant ride anyway. All the secondary roads here are snowpacked.

Exactly the same here, sometime in February but can't ride anyway due to all this damn snow!!
My dealer is still telling me February.

But the local dealer had one order from a pilot. They told him November-December, but they are now telling him February. Hope they aren't pushing them all back. :ummm:
Hopefully the Yamaha 2 week shutdown doesn't stop the remaining Max productions!
Well it says in February and March so hopefully they will get the orders completed by then!! But who knows.