stimulus package

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Who Really Benefits?

1) The Banks - It will boost deposit reserves when consumers meet their interest payments thereby giving the banks greater liquidity to cover losses, make new loans and make profits for their owners.

2) The Government - The stimulus will be taxed as INCOME and taxed again when it is used by consumers to generate sales of consumer goods and services. This makes sure that the government can employ millions of federal employees in their accustomed levels of comfort and complacency.

3) The Suppliers to the market - i.e. China, Vietnam, Brazil etc.

Welcome to the reality of Obama's Amerika.
Dan was right, I wasn't talking about you. I even quoted the person's message I was talking to!!:icon_rolleyes:

I am glad your back Toad.
As Yankee Steps off the Buster Short Bus Toad Jumps on with his leather helmet..

)))TAKE HIM FOR ANOTHER RIDE BUSTER((( as Yankee yells as they take off into the sunrise.

It all sounds like ******** to me , everybody keeps crying to the governments bout the bad economy , can you bail us out . Us being the tax payer .
All it comes down to is greed and bad management .

i.e The car industry - things were slowing down but they kept making cars how dumb is that .

So what about all the other companys that really need it are they gonna get help or is it just the big boys with the power that get the handouts :confused2:

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