Those NUTS are round on the outside, but they have a Hex center. So you'll use an Allen wrench to tighten.
One of my studs got a bent also. Way more than slightly that is..
I had Dremel cut that thick aluminum header clamp, then, chisel it off in pieces, to get it freed from the bolts.
Doing this is what bent my bolt.
Since I didn't want to take the chance of over bending the bolt or snapping it off, I used the other hole in the clamp. Positioned it over the bolt, then, with a pry bar wedged between the frame, I gently bent the clamp back into position over the exhaust port (which bent the bolt also). This way, I would not over bend it, and I would know when it was 90' in position.
Once that was done, and everything was cleaned up, I was ready to put the new headers and clamp in place.
It only needed a little push, and it slid into postilion, over the bolts.
NOTE: During all this work, I plugged the manifold openings with round Styrofoam cut-outs, to keep anything from falling into the engine. I could have used old T-Shirts but I had the foam on hand.:eusa_dance: