Well-Known Member
so I have the headers lose and my trapps are goin on very well... do i need heat? dont want to beat on them..:ummm:
I got em on to where the back mounting bolt is in... and they sound great... but... I doubt if half an inch sliped in...:ummm:
If your local muffler shop has a pipe bender they maybe able to strech the opening up just a tiny bit for you (depending if they have small enough adapter to fit). I had similar issues when I ran supertrapps, I even tried heating them up was only able to "slip" then onto about half way. It didn't leak but I didn't like the way it look so I had the muffler shop strech the ends out for far im having bad luck... and im a fair mechanic... thinking of full header already... we used heat and everything... the black paint/powder coat didnt like it much...
...thank you sledge hammer...:rofl_200:
When all else fails.... GET GOOD AND PISSED OFF....unk:
They are on... and prolly will never come off again... ever...
thank you sledge hammer...:rofl_200:
misiek93: That is my favorite tool