Supreme Court Justice Scalia dead at 79

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It is a shame that a conservative seat was lost on the bench. That being said I am glad there are court cases regarding abortion coming up to the supreme court soon (first in two weeks) and he is no longer present. It is absurd that any government entity can dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her body. I'm not for abortion as the goto form of birth control but I am definitely for getting a **** load of people off of perpetual welfare and reducing the amount of new liberal voters being brought into this world.
It is a shame that a conservative seat was lost on the bench. That being said I am glad there are court cases regarding abortion coming up to the supreme court soon (first in two weeks) and he is no longer present. It is absurd that any government entity can dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her body. I'm not for abortion as the goto form of birth control but I am definitely for getting a **** load of people off of perpetual welfare and reducing the amount of new liberal voters being brought into this world.

+1, Thank you!
IMO, the type of people popping babies in order to receive welfare, aren't the ones who would ever consider abortion to begin with.
IMO, the type of people popping babies in order to receive welfare, aren't the ones who would ever consider abortion to begin with.

In my perfect little Libertarian world, (I know, I know...:eusa_dance:) if YOU have a baby, YOU pay for it! no exceptions! No welfare! No handouts! If you have a child and it suffers because you lack the money or aptitude to care for it correctly, it is removed and placed with a family that CAN. Cranking out any more children you cannot/will not care for becomes Felony child endangerment with minimum mandatory jail terms. But in this Democratic world we not only tolerate it, we reward such behavior, encourage it, even glorify it. ALL at the expense of taxpayers. Also my ficticious perfect world includes 100% free and readily available to all ages birth control (including abortion) without restriction. Oh yea, we're going to stop this counter-intuitive act of giving tax breaks to families with children.

Family Planning, (Planning) Deciding when to/not to have a child, no more of this "if its meant to happen, God will bless us and we'll find a way" ********. It costs taxpayers to much. Anyone paying taxes should damn well EMBRACE family planning :rant:

Now, if we can get and keep a handle on the Supreme Court we may get a little closer to protecting taxpayers instead of drifting further into a non-sustainable taxation system.
In my perfect little Libertarian world, (I know, I know...:eusa_dance:) if YOU have a baby, YOU pay for it! no exceptions! No welfare! No handouts! If you have a child and it suffers because you lack the money or aptitude to care for it correctly, it is removed and placed with a family that CAN. Cranking out any more children you cannot/will not care for becomes Felony child endangerment with minimum mandatory jail terms. But in this Democratic world we not only tolerate it, we reward such behavior, encourage it, even glorify it. ALL at the expense of taxpayers. Also my ficticious perfect world includes 100% free and readily available to all ages birth control (including abortion) without restriction. Oh yea, we're going to stop this counter-intuitive act of giving tax breaks to families with children.

Family Planning, (Planning) Deciding when to/not to have a child, no more of this "if its meant to happen, God will bless us and we'll find a way" ********. It costs taxpayers to much. Anyone paying taxes should damn well EMBRACE family planning :rant:

Now, if we can get and keep a handle on the Supreme Court we may get a little closer to protecting taxpayers instead of drifting further into a non-sustainable taxation system.

Where is the utopia you speak of? I wish that was our reality.
Well let say something on the matter. I do believe in the "Brotherhood of the Vmax". I dont like a lot of the stuff that Dave posts....due to the simple fact that I feel that he is just posting stuff to get people riled up...and not posting ANYTHING to help people. For him its a liberal ideology.

I have friends....and friends that are on this forum, that are not conservative. So, when we call each other to see whats happening, or to offer advice, we dont talk politics.

I have a conservative mindset...its not an ideology. I believe that with the email scandal with Hillary, she should be tossed in Jail. If there was a republican candidate that did the same thing...they should be thrown in jail as well.

I dont like what Dave posts......but if he was broke down on the side of the road, I would still help him.....or go get him as well, and put him up for the night, and help fix the bike....etc. THAT IS WHAT THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE VMAX IS ALL ABOUT.

You see that I don't post anything of value to help people then that is your short coming. Actually it is both riling you up and helping you at the same time. Anything I post that is not congruent with a narrow focus here is considered trolling. Yet I am constantly trying to get people to see past their own biases. There is a whole wide world out there and it is not just black and white. At one time I actually tried to initiate an honest dialogue with Traumahawk but he was incapable of doing it. So I gave up and just occasionally post the most polar opposite. Yet no one actually has asked my true thoughts on any one subject, most of you just make assumptions. For instant I actually like guns and enjoy shooting, reloading and have had many guns. Plus that I quit High school and joined USMC at 17 and a half. But this all started when a bunch of children was killed at Sandy Hook and a group of people could only whine about "Their" rights. That pissed me off and I found it morally reprehensible. I wanted to post a news article that I read today about the "Hero" Cliven Bundy spending his life in jail if convicted and being denied bail. But I didn't.
Where is the utopia you speak of? I wish that was our reality.

Ummmm, well, uuhhhh, yea. well, ****... errrr. dont know exactly uummm ok.

Its the USA in ~25 years. We gotta flush the toilet a few times first. Dark times are coming and it will take a great deal of effort to unwind all the damage done in the last 7+ (++) years and the significant damage we can expect in the next 5-ish. We'll get in front of this absurdity and change the **** out of the way things are done. It's going to happen.

This utopia filled with personal responsibility, freedom, autonomy and eventually prosperity, it's right here, we're in it now, but it's just not yet. We definately have our work cut out for us to make it a reality but it WILL happen!

I hope thats a good answer :punk:
You see that I don't post anything of value to help people then that is your short coming. Actually it is both riling you up and helping you at the same time. Anything I post that is not congruent with a narrow focus here is considered trolling. Yet I am constantly trying to get people to see past their own biases. There is a whole wide world out there and it is not just black and white. At one time I actually tried to initiate an honest dialogue with Traumahawk but he was incapable of doing it. So I gave up and just occasionally post the most polar opposite. Yet no one actually has asked my true thoughts on any one subject, most of you just make assumptions. For instant I actually like guns and enjoy shooting, reloading and have had many guns. Plus that I quit High school and joined USMC at 17 and a half. But this all started when a bunch of children was killed at Sandy Hook and a group of people could only whine about "Their" rights. That pissed me off and I found it morally reprehensible. I wanted to post a news article that I read today about the "Hero" Cliven Bundy spending his life in jail if convicted and being denied bail. But I didn't.

"In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[3] often for their own amusement."

Unfortunately Dave, this describes your behavior to a 'T'.

As for the gun rights thing, it didn't start when a bunch of kids were killed at Sandy Hook Elem., if you remember correctly there were a few significant steps in between like the NY safe act, potus parading those poor Newtown parents around like trained seals, kneejerk gun control legislative proposals, etc. The gun rights movement was a reaction to that.

If you like guns, shooting and reloading why have you never joined in any of the many discussions on those subjects? Or any of the veterans discussions on previous military experience?
Scalia was a conservative yes. But he was also one of the dissenting votes to protecting many of our rights as citizens. Not allowing DNA to be snipped from arrestees, or not allowing drug dogs on property without a warrant. We need more justices like him that will adhere to the rights of citizens. Yes imo he was a conservative abrasive *******, but he knew the law. I am a liberal long haired hippy on some days and a conservative on others, so consider the source. :) I own several handguns and long guns,I am a veteran and I believe the constitution should be adhered to. Anyone who owns a Vmax is a cool with me. Many liberals and conservatives alike let the talking points and news cycles form their narrow world views.
Scalia will be missed on the bench it think and not simply because of his political ideology. The world is so much more complicated than that, we need someone on the bench that will not lose sight of what the law is for, to serve the people and to dispense justice.
potus parading those poor Newtown parents around like trained seals, kneejerk gun control legislative proposals, etc. The gun rights movement was a reaction to that.

If you like guns, shooting and reloading why have you never joined in any of the many discussions on those subjects? Or any of the veterans discussions on previous military experience?[/QUOTE]

Ditto Dan-0, That pissed me off beyond length. Newtown, California,and any event they can capitalize upon, standing over the dead bodies of innocents, the ant-gun lobby uses them and their survivors to promote their ant-gun agenda. It's humorously futile because it skyrocketed ammo and gun sales. And made their cause to take guns off the street impossible. They have contributed to the number of armed citizens in America. And I thank them. It'll be harder than ever to confiscate fire arms. Go ahead and change the 2nd amendment, it won't matter. It'll just make millions of hard working, good people criminals. And criminals can't vote. Chew on that a bit.
And +1 to the troll definition. When all you post are controversy filled post, knowing you'll steer up ****, that is what you are. This is a Vmax forum, and we do talk about whatever is on our minds. But, 99% of us will reply to or start a Vmax specific
thread in at least a one in a 10 count. If this is seen as name calling, I don't care! It's the truth!
You see that I don't post anything of value to help people then that is your short coming. Actually it is both riling you up and helping you at the same time. Anything I post that is not congruent with a narrow focus here is considered trolling. Yet I am constantly trying to get people to see past their own biases. There is a whole wide world out there and it is not just black and white. At one time I actually tried to initiate an honest dialogue with Traumahawk but he was incapable of doing it. So I gave up and just occasionally post the most polar opposite. Yet no one actually has asked my true thoughts on any one subject, most of you just make assumptions. For instant I actually like guns and enjoy shooting, reloading and have had many guns. Plus that I quit High school and joined USMC at 17 and a half. But this all started when a bunch of children was killed at Sandy Hook and a group of people could only whine about "Their" rights. That pissed me off and I found it morally reprehensible. I wanted to post a news article that I read today about the "Hero" Cliven Bundy spending his life in jail if convicted and being denied bail. But I didn't.

I have spoken with Traumahawk on a few occasions, hes obviously highly intelligent and a decent stand-up guy, he (and others) have my full respect. Calling him out as "incapable" is a blatant misstatement. I might suggest that the reason a lot of folks are not drinking the Kool-aid when it comes to liberal ideology has more to do with the amount of damage the USA has sustained as a result of such ideology. Some of us that have been alive for 4 or five (or more) decades can really see how far we have fallen. Rather than incapable, you might call him observant.

Narrow or closed mindedness suggests that a person has contempt prior to investigation for whatever concept is subject. Most of us do in fact understand what liberalism is, how it works and what the results have been and are very likely to continue to be should it be allowed to continue without being countered with greater doses of practicality and pragmatic decision making. I think the majority of us are dead against it because we are informed and decided. Closed/narrow minded is the Chevy guy, with a Chevy hat and jacket that tells you how much BMW sucks, but has never owned or driven one. Do you see the difference?

I'm not trying to attack you, I'm only trying to illuminate the fact that there are some gaping holes in your statement. I will close by saying that I do appreciate your conviction and respect that your following what you believe is correct. Also I want to thank you for your service to this country (you mentioned USMC). I would also like to commend you on great choice of steed. I'm not being sarcastic or a smart ass, I sincerely hope you have a great evening.
I just noticed forestdaledave has removed everyone, except a couple guys, from his friends list. Not sure when this happened but it tells me all I need to know about how he sees everyone in the VMax community.

As for the "I'm riling but helping" BS I'm too old to be riled....and I'm not asking for your help so........:wave bye:
You see that I don't post anything of value to help people then that is your short coming. Actually it is both riling you up and helping you at the same time. Anything I post that is not congruent with a narrow focus here is considered trolling. Yet I am constantly trying to get people to see past their own biases. There is a whole wide world out there and it is not just black and white. At one time I actually tried to initiate an honest dialogue with Traumahawk but he was incapable of doing it. So I gave up and just occasionally post the most polar opposite. Yet no one actually has asked my true thoughts on any one subject, most of you just make assumptions. For instant I actually like guns and enjoy shooting, reloading and have had many guns. Plus that I quit High school and joined USMC at 17 and a half. But this all started when a bunch of children was killed at Sandy Hook and a group of people could only whine about "Their" rights. That pissed me off and I found it morally reprehensible. I wanted to post a news article that I read today about the "Hero" Cliven Bundy spending his life in jail if convicted and being denied bail. But I didn't.

Wow, Traumahawk is one of the most helpful guys here. He'll help anyone out. He's always available to listen and give his opinion on any topic. He's always come across to me with compassion and intelligence. Having an honest dialog with Eric is never a problem, for me.
Dave, I have no problem with a difference of opinion, but there's a pattern here to your post. I guess you do have an issue with my difference of opinion.You post here to piss people off, playing the devils advocate about subjects you are somewhat informed on. How about posting when a new guy ask about running a 180 bias ply in a stock swing arm? That's something you know all about. Do you only read politically involved postings? To come out and say you like guns and reloading is the ultimate in hypocrisy. That's after you've posted a suggestion of allowing only 22 caliber weapons, as your laughable interpretation of our 2nd amendment. I'll bet there aren't a dozen people in the country reloading 22 caliber rim fire casings. I give up wondering why you do this. Maybe your bored after selling your Vmax? Wouldn't a political forum suit you better for this type of discussion? Yes you removed me from your friends list. I'm one of the people here that do know you. It's a shame because we had a good time riding and talking Vmax related stuff, once upon a time.
I somehow doubt he would have wanted Obama there, but yes, it makes a very sharp statement.

I was told this about 2 years ago.....and it has always made sense, and it comes down to how Liberals and Conservatives view each other. Conservatives (most....but not all) look at Liberals like they are ignorant...because they're not seeing or listening to all of the facts. Liberals (most....but not all) look at Conservatives like they are evil. There is that extra EMOTION that is tied into that thought....or that view point.

I have been called racist.....and a Nazi before for not agreeing with people.
I was told this about 2 years ago.....and it has always made sense, and it comes down to how Liberals and Conservatives view each other. Conservatives (most....but not all) look at Liberals like they are ignorant...because they're not seeing or listening to all of the facts. Liberals (most....but not all) look at Conservatives like they are evil. There is that extra EMOTION that is tied into that thought....or that view point.

I have been called racist.....and a Nazi before for not agreeing with people.

The use of the word "hate" is also used in a similar way. For example: Common sense says not to let refugees in that can not be vetted and are most likely laced with terrorists. The terrorist said they would infiltrate this way. Either to keep them separated or not allow here makes perfect sense to me to preserve the saftey of the American people. I can't count how many times I've heard this labeled as "hate". It seems to me that if you don't agree about "fill in the blank" Then it's "hate"
The use of the word "hate" is also used in a similar way. For example: Common sense says not to let refugees in that can not be vetted and are most likely laced with terrorists. The terrorist said they would infiltrate this way. Either to keep them separated or not allow here makes perfect sense to me to preserve the saftey of the American people. I can't count how many times I've heard this labeled as "hate". It seems to me that if you don't agree about "fill in the blank" Then it's "hate"

It's to easy to play the "hate" card. I believe it's a correct move to take in people fleeing for their lives, give them some safe ground to stand on and find something for them to do to earn their keep. Not to be confused with giving them handouts and turning them loose on our soil unconditionally, or at all. Unfortunately we need to keep them contained given the national threat present. Does anyone trust Govt' to to distinguish victims from assailants?

It would be Un-American to not help someone/anyone in real trouble. Unfortunately in this case we need to watch our backs at the same time. It's not hate so much as self preservation mixed with doing our duty as Americans and humans. I'm sure we can find something for them to do to earn their keep while they are guests here.

Liberals might call this hate, conservatives might call it stupid. I am neither and I feel that it would be a good common sense approach to protecting ourselves, helping others while not billing taxpayers for any of this. I'm sure private charity alone would feed and clothe these folks for the duration of their stay until we can assign them reasonable work detail.