Swapping european Ignitor to American one

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Apr 10, 2023
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Hi everyone, I'm currently working on my 1992 2EN 100hp european vmax.
I want to remove all the limitations that the europeans vmax have, so I can have a true vmax.
I want to swap the ignitor from the european model to the american model.
My doubt is: What's the code of the american ignitor? Is it the 3JP11? Or might it have other codes?
Can we assume that you have already added V Boost and modified or replaced the throttle slides?
The attached should help you with identification. NB: Not sure if the 41R ICU is correct for the Max as this is the model code for the XVZ1200L Venture Royal. Anyone know if this was also fitted to the Max?
What's the differences between restricted and non restricted ICU's?


  • Ignition unit identification.pdf
    149.7 KB · Views: 0
Can we assume that you have already added V Boost and modified or replaced the throttle slides?
The attached should help you with identification. NB: Not sure if the 41R ICU is correct for the Max as this is the model code for the XVZ1200L Venture Royal. Anyone know if this was also fitted to the Max?
What's the differences between restricted and non restricted ICU's?
I'm currently looking for a Vboost kit and I already replaced the throttle slides.
I read somewhere in the past that Americans ICU have different ignition timing.
All havew the same advance at idle 3°
'85 - '89 models 43° @ 9K
'90 - 2003 UK models (restricted) 31° @9K
'90 - 2003 US 49 state 33° @ 9K
'90 - 2003 California 43° @ 9K

I'd assume that all restricted models were the same spec. as the UK restricted?

Not sure how much benefit you'd get with the extra 2° of the US ICU or if the cost is worth it.
It may be better to compare OE prices with an Ignitech?
All havew the same advance at idle 3°
'85 - '89 models 43° @ 9K
'90 - 2003 UK models (restricted) 31° @9K
'90 - 2003 US 49 state 33° @ 9K
'90 - 2003 California 43° @ 9K

I'd assume that all restricted models were the same spec. as the UK restricted?

Not sure how much benefit you'd get with the extra 2° of the US ICU or if the cost is worth it.
It may be better to compare OE prices with an Ignitech?
Very cool data, where did you get them?
So based on this data sheet it's not so usefull to swap the icu. So why everyone suggest to use an american icu when transforming an european into an american?
I wouldn't want to use an aftermarket icu, I want the swap to be as original as possible. I found a 3JP11 ignitor at 120€ is it a bad investment in your opinion?
Very cool data, where did you get them?
The data was from the Haynes V Max manual.
So based on this data sheet it's not so usefull to swap the icu. So why everyone suggest to use an american icu when transforming an european into an american?
That's not something I can recall reading about so can't answer that.
I wouldn't want to use an aftermarket icu, I want the swap to be as original as possible. I found a 3JP11 ignitor at 120€ is it a bad investment in your opinion?
Only you can answer that question but IMO you need to ask yourself 'what will be the benefit?'
I appreciate that you want your bike to be as close to a full power as possible but will the extra 2° make a significant difference?
On that basis could the money be better spent elsewhere?

Any particular reason you aren't keen on the Iignitech?
Not only would you be able to modify advance curves, you would gain a rev limiter and also have it control the V Boost. There is also those with significant experience on here to offer advice.
You would also save some money by not having to buy the V Boost unit which could well cover the extra cost over 3JP11 jobbie.

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