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Dec 12, 2011
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Lawton, OK
Teen Honor Student Sues Parents for Cash, College Tuition

It’s a new twist on the classic “he said, she said” case. Rachel Canning, a New Jersey high school honor student, is suing her parents for abandonment, demanding they provide financial support and pay for her college tuition and claiming they kicked her to the curb once she turned 18.

But the girl’s father tells a much different story.

According to the Daily Record of Parsippany, N.J., Sean Canning, a retired police chief and Rachel’s father, said he and his wife, Elizabeth, didn’t throw their daughter out. He claims she left voluntarily because she didn’t want to abide by her parents’ basic rules, like doing household chores, following a curfew and being respectful. Canning said they also asked their daughter to consider ending a relationship with a boyfriend they didn’t like.

Canning, a cheerleader and lacrosse player who wants to study biomedical engineering, is living with her best friend and her family, the Daily Record says. Her friend’s father is footing the bill for Canning’s lawsuit and attorney’s fees. (I read yesterday that the friends father IS an attorney, and wants reimbursement for the fees because he is representing her)

Canning wants the court to find that she’s still legally dependent on her parents for support. She wants them to pay an outstanding $5,306 debt for tuition to her private high school, provide living and transportation expenses, give her access to her college fund, and pay her legal bills.
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The Judge slapped her down. She's demanding the parents pay for her private Catholic school, give her child support, and pay for the college she decided on. Oh, and she's 18. Remember when that was considered an adult.
Good to see a Judge with some common sense. What a scum bag lawyer, that would even entertain bringing this case to court.
Unfortunately, though we can sit back and laugh a little when reading stuff like this, it is not a joke. There are unscrupulous lawyers crawling out of the woodwork to invent chit like this, and unfortunately, far too many stooopid people willing to serve on a jury. So, until we get smart and open season on all lawyers (no bag limit) chit like this will only continue making headlines.

I read that the girlfriends' father was "footing the bill" for this brats lawyer - so far up to $12k, and that her actual father is representing himself as apparently he has a law degree. [edit]I now read a different article in which they mention her parents as having a lady lawyer[/edit] But thus far, the only aspect of the case that has been tossed was the brats' emergency request for $650.00 weekly maintenance, part of which is necessary to pay her private school fees. It was my understanding the rest of her suit is still to be battled out sometime as early as April.
You know, this is what I asked my old supervisor where I used to work. My partner on the ambulance, sometimes wouldn't conduct himself in a professional manner. I was a Paramedic, and he was a basic EMT. My supervisor would always say, well he's just a good kid.

So I cornered my supervisor one time and I asked him this. Thirty years ago at 18 you were an adult, you were expected to get a job, get married raise a family, or pay for your college. Your were considered an adult. Now at 25 (my partners age) your considered a kid. When did that change? My supervisor couldn't answer me.

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