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We had a silo blow up probably 10 years ago. Killed the guys on the site and blew out windows 3 miles away. Static electricity ignited the corn dust! I think the blast was felt 5-6 miles away and heard as far as 10 miles but the police station.

We had a silo blow up probably 10 years ago. Killed the guys on the site and blew out windows 3 miles away. Static electricity ignited the corn dust! I think the blast was felt 5-6 miles away and heard as far as 10 miles but the police station.


Dust explosion....very bad news!! A shame about the guys there but quick & painless for sure.

Just for the record.....I had nothing to do with that event....I've never even been to Kansas.....or Nebraska either (in case an event of this sort ever occurred there!) :rofl_200:
Dust explosion....very bad news!! A shame about the guys there but quick & painless for sure.

Just for the record.....I had nothing to do with that event....I've never even been to Kansas.....or Nebraska either (in case an event of this sort ever occurred there!) :rofl_200:
Bill is that you? Deny, deny, deny somehow rings familiar???? Did you ever work in Arkansas and Washington, in a big white house?:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
I'm not a fan of burning bridges, it's just a bad policy!! But I've always wanted to blow up a big ******' silo.....anybody else feel that way?? :confused2:
I've taken a few out. Last one was as fun as the first. Old hat to me..
The real question is whether anyone has JUMPED a silo. I'm gonna have plot a new ramp design for Rockatansky to start building. He may have some legal problems but he is hell on wheels when it comes to swinging a hammer. This will be much more epic than jumping a bridge, or burning it for that matter.....
You know whats great about America? You don't have to know how to spell to make a 6 figure income. :rofl_200:

Your probably a teach who's class I slept thru.

1)your = you're
2)thru = through

What's really great about America is that some SFB can go online and think bragging about her measly 6 figure income somehow makes her more than the low-life drug dealer she really is. Keep on thinkin' it. :rofl_200:

1) your = you're
2) thru = through

i thot u weer not welcum hereeee no moe an not cumming bak.

Wow, I can misspell that much when I put my mind into it as well. Now I make 6 figures too!

Got to love it.
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