They'll never breach our 'air tight' security!

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It's OK , this is massachsetts , where everything and everyone is accepted with open arms...these guys just have to show up at the statehouse , or just in the vicinity of beacon hill , and they'll get whatever they need to make their stay comfortable...maybe even getting a parade in their honor...:bang head:
I love where they said "They pose no threat to the general public". Why are they missing then? Setting up a terrorist attack no doubt!
They are always welcome at my place. I've even trained my girfriend's dog to patrol the back yard looking for terrorists. When the dog finds one, it issues the terrorist an apology letter personally signed by the big "O" himself.
I love where they said "They pose no threat to the general public". Why are they missing then? Setting up a terrorist attack no doubt!

Hmmm, seems a little strange they were caught trying to get across the border into the far west end of New York State!!

Probly just my paranoia....cause we know they didn't pose any threat!
Rainbow bridge is in my back yard. The company I work for is doing reconstruction on the Bridge that is at the Niagara Power plant, that is ruffly a mile from the Rainbow bridge. I'm quite sure the niagara power plant is on the terrorist watch list. I'm not saying there's a connection, but you never know.

I Have to make a correction. I was thinking lewiston Queenston bridge, which is a mile away. The Rainbow bridge is a little further away, but in the same area.
Never gave that a thought, but there's some major power facilities in that area....:hmmm:

Let me vent here for just a second......there are folks out there who want nothing more than to remove us from the face of the earth, is this really a good time to open our borders and make efforts to promote 'good feelings and hearty fellowship' in the militaries of these folks?.

Can the people on the wire tell the good from the bad from the ugly? The answer is no, they can't!

And while I'm on a roll....isn't this also just the perfect time to try and disarm the public.......................:damn angry::damn angry::damn angry:

**** it....I'm gonna take a shower!
It's hard to tell the misinformation from the truth.Kinda feel like we went to prison,Uncle sam is big daddy,Got vaselene in hand,Were fixing to get f!!!ed.And no one gives a ****.