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I did see some Victory bikes at the show which caught my eye for sure. The Hammer is a great looking bike, it has a very sleek, smooth flow to it. I wouldn't mind having one but I wouldn't go with out a Vmax. I just gotta have that kick in the pants performance along with the looks.
Anything that puts a dent in the Harley phenomena is good news as far as I'm concerned. The best looking bike out there is the one that makes you feel warm all over.
Interesting.....not my "'cup of tea", but it does look knda cool, in avery differant kinda way....
They've put ******* fairings on it. It's not a sportsbike why try to make it one? Just looks like another stupidly huge and boring bike to ride to me.
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Robbarrie said:
I think some of you might be looking at the - I think they call it the Vision (which looks rather retarted) and not the Hammer...You have to go to the main site and look at the 07 line up. I must add that I really don't care for the headlight...the 06 is IMHO a better looking bike than the 07
Now that makes a lot more sense when you said you were deciding between it and the Max. That is a nice looking bike.
I like it for what it's intended for. I'll give it credit for not trying to imitate the "Harley look" for sure.
Looks more comparable to the Warrior than the Max. Not bad though, I guess.
The hammer looks pretty good. The vision is defenitely unique. I'll give it points for that. I agree it looks like it's trying to take a bite out of the goldwing market. It's a little too weird and not tough looking enough for me.
i have heard victory motorcycles run they sound like a ticking noise. It is VERY annoying. I was interested in the 103 upgrade but with tat crappy sounding bike who cares what power it puts out. thats why I like the Max it sounds like a v8. IMHO