To Pass Or Not To Pass?

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yup lots of wacko's that should take a driving course but learn that the left lane is not for sleeping in. make your pass then move over or put the pedal down and haul ass.... in parts of quebec (not so many any more) had no problem, people would move over when they saw you coming about 1/4-1/8 mile back day or night now they sit staggered in all lanes and feel like pushing them off the road, they use to know what flashing your high beams meant and would almost feel sorry if they made you have to do that. now you'll get heavy attitude if you flash them, think if you do that in the states you'll get shot.:2gunsfiring_v1:
I started a new thread about my potential Vmax purchase here:

... so as not to hijack this one.

As for flashing high beams, I used to do that, and 10 years ago it used to work, even in the states. Not any more. You just get attitude like you say. So now I just use the element of surprise and as soon as I see an opening I zoom by them.
I'm not a 'patient' driver, so if they are not moving, screw it, I'll pass them on the right. However, I'll ONLY do that after they have been given AMPLE time to move on there own. Then I haul ass by them....
:punk::punk: oh ya. open season on passing which ever way works

wish they would just learn or get the F out of the way :bang head: if ya wanna drive slow get a cycle and pedal....there's only so many hours in a day and so much fuel in the tank, you do the math :rofl_200:
I'm not a 'patient' driver, so if they are not moving, screw it, I'll pass them on the right. However, I'll ONLY do that after they have been given AMPLE time to move on there own. Then I haul ass by them....

however that is not an excuse to blow by them at 105 on the right on a 3 lane highway with a cop behind you that u didn't see. just saying man.
however that is not an excuse to blow by them at 105 on the right on a 3 lane highway with a cop behind you that u didn't see. just saying man.
LMAO! :rofl_200:You sound like you are speaking from experience!!:clapping:
however that is not an excuse to blow by them at 105 on the right on a 3 lane highway with a cop behind you that u didn't see. just saying man.

:rofl_200::rofl_200:mmm is that called selective viewing on his part..... i swear officer i didn't see you i was watching the guy in front slow down that's why it seemed i went by so fast :moped:
LMAO! :rofl_200:You sound like you are speaking from experience!!:clapping:

:rofl_200::rofl_200:mmm is that called selective viewing on his part..... i swear officer i didn't see you i was watching the guy in front slow down that's why it seemed i went by so fast :moped:

it was a dumb decision, and i got off very easy from the speeding, failure to signal, marked lanes, passing on the right, etc etc...
...oh ya. open season on passing which ever way works...

Well, to a certain extent. I also do that often, but like others said, be careful. How many of us have been pushed out of our lane by a driver not paying attention? I think it's also directly proportional to the decibels our exhaust puts out. Who knows...

BTW - Signaling to change lanes in South Carolina seems to be optional. I just LOVE surprises!!!

As far as drivers "camping out" in the left lane, I used to drive into Florida, and it seems they were generally the smartest drivers out there. MOST people in the left lane moved to the right when I came up behind them on the interstate. But that was about 15 years ago.

It seems I stirred up 4 pages of replies in one day! I might have struck a nerve here...
naa we just need to talk about something as usual hahahha but thanks for stirring up emotions i thought i worked out already... guess not :confused2:
It seems I stirred up 4 pages of replies in one day! I might have struck a nerve here...

Well, yes, yes you did :biglaugh: I don't think anyone hasn't been stuck behind, cut off or pushed over by some ******* cager at least once.... heck some rides it's by the minute!!:punk:

I did thoroughly enjoy this thread though!! :worthy::eclipsee_gold_cup:
yup lots of wacko's that should take a driving course but learn that the left lane is not for sleeping in. make your pass then move over or put the pedal down and haul ass.... in parts of quebec (not so many any more) had no problem, people would move over when they saw you coming about 1/4-1/8 mile back day or night now they sit staggered in all lanes and feel like pushing them off the road, they use to know what flashing your high beams meant and would almost feel sorry if they made you have to do that. now you'll get heavy attitude if you flash them, think if you do that in the states you'll get shot.:2gunsfiring_v1:

I did that a couple weeks ago (flashed lights to pass) and got the bird!! So after another try and a hand gesture to pass on the right......F%^kn gerk............passed on right pulled in front and locked them up........he ALMOST failed the brake test........i'm in my car of course!!...........
it seems its a nation wide problem, everyone here thinks its ok to drive 35... everywhere. in town, back roads, interstate. Ok if the speed limit is 55 then i can handle someone doing 50 - 60 mph, not everyone's speedo reads the same. but 35? c'mon.
whats even worse is people who pull out in front of me on my max and then pretend like its my fault that they pulled out. IDIOTS!
whats even worse is people who pull out in front of me on my max and then pretend like its my fault that they pulled out. IDIOTS!

I agree totally!! And on the opposite end....if you pull out normally (after stopping for your stop sign!!) and get up to speed while someone flying along doing 60 in a 35 & is on your a$$ in a blink.....well....F them.....
You're on a Vmax, passing is completely effortless. You're not in a 4 cylinder econobox car where you have to mash it and wait. Little roll on the gas and instant acceleration.

I absolutely love it when I go to pass somebody, and as soon as they see me start to pass they floor it to try and speed up.

Upstate NY has it's share, espically this time of year. Leaf-peepers from everywhere driving on the byways in the Adirondacks at anywhere up to 20 under the 55 speed limit. I normally ride about 65-70 on these roads, and I have clear sight coming up behind a slowpoke, I don't even slow down and just swerve right around them. I've also been known to pass 4 and even 5 cars stacked up behind one slow car at once before.

However, you have to be smart about how you drive. You are on a bike, and there's lots of idiots out there driving vehicles that could end your day badly. I don't ride a car's ass if they're going 55 in the fast lane, and I don't actively try to piss somebody off after they've done it to me. Drive defensively on the bike, offensively in my truck.
You're on a Vmax, passing is completely effortless. You're not in a 4 cylinder econobox car where you have to mash it and wait. Little roll on the gas and instant acceleration.

I absolutely love it when I go to pass somebody, and as soon as they see me start to pass they floor it to try and speed up.

Upstate NY has it's share, espically this time of year. Leaf-peepers from everywhere driving on the byways in the Adirondacks at anywhere up to 20 under the 55 speed limit. I normally ride about 65-70 on these roads, and I have clear sight coming up behind a slowpoke, I don't even slow down and just swerve right around them. I've also been known to pass 4 and even 5 cars stacked up behind one slow car at once before.

However, you have to be smart about how you drive. You are on a bike, and there's lots of idiots out there driving vehicles that could end your day badly. I don't ride a car's ass if they're going 55 in the fast lane, and I don't actively try to piss somebody off after they've done it to me. Drive defensively on the bike, offensively in my truck.

Just read this whole thread, and this last one is a really good post. Especially the last sentence of it.

Pass when you can and when you need to, and do it with a vengence if it thrills you.

Don't bother getting pissed of when you're on the bike, save it for the cage.

And remember there are people out there who have absolutely NOTHING! to lose...............
They won't just "play" the game you or they started, they'll attempt to MURDER you either with their car or with a gun.

As far as flashing brights to pass. That has never been a common practice in the US, I remember reading about it in car and Driver magazine how it's used in Europe and thinking what a great idea it was, and didn't provoke people...

But here in the states Flashing of the brights is generally reserved for informing someone that their high beams are on, that's about it..and even that starts a confrontation. Flashing brights to get people to move to the right in the US sometimes works but it's only cause you scared them, no one seems to take it very well......

I've also seen plenty of cars use their brights to say "**** you" to me when I pass them whether I'm speeding or not....
If I'm in my truck that usually gets the response of about a quart of windshield washer fluid on their shiny clean car.....
If I'm in my truck that usually gets the response of about a quart of windshield washer fluid on their shiny clean car.....
Do you toss it directly at the driver or lob it underhand?
How many can you fit in the front seat??


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