too much oil, or something else?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Blacklick, OH
my bike was running low on oil so i topped it off and added way too much on accident...after that i started having this problem, so i did an oil change on it and it hasnt gone away so im stumped

heres my symptoms:

in the morning i roll down the driveway in reverse before starting the bike since i leave so early....well, when the bike isnt runnings, i have to like force wont just rolls backwards i actually have to put effort into moving backwards down a sloped driveway

if i fire it up first, it immediately rolls with no problem at all

do i have too much oil in it? or could it be something else? didnt notice this problem until i overfilled the oil

but i had someone hold it up level for me while i checked the sight window and the oil is 3/4 of a way up between the two marks, so it appears the oil level is ok

also, even before i had this problem, if i pull in the clutch while its shut off, it was hard to move for the first initial push...ide have to sit on it and shove it forward real hard, and then its like it would break loose and start to roll freely

i havent tried rolling it around in neutral...i park in first and when i hop on in the morning i just put in the clutch and roll down the driveway then fire it up and go...ill try neutral tomorrow and see if it helps...but does anyone have any idea whats going on?

if the bike is running, it doesnt have any of these problems
I don't think it too much oil. did you change to a different oil?? sounds like clutch plates just sticking to the oil between the plates while the engine is cold(oil between the plates causes a suction while the engine is cold. it doesn't do it after you start the motor because it slings the oil out, and allowes the clutch plats to slide freely.
when i topped it off, i used 20 50 instead of 10 40 because its all they had, but it has 10 40 in it now...and somebody on my local forum just explained it a little bit more, and your explanation makes a lot of sense too...thanks, i guess ill just not worry about it and just start rolling it in neutral
my bike is the same way , it will only roll in neutral , and if i do not let it warm up before putting it in 1st gear , the back tire spins & digs a 4 inch hole in my stone driveway & the engine stalls ! ... put it in neutral and it will roll , there is a whole other thread somewhere on this forum about this same thing !
I also concur...

Though I would like to add, thanks go out to headknocker for the explanation. I never knew why the bike did that.
