top speed of your vmax?

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huh... at about a buck & 1/4, God starts ta tap me on the shoulder as well sayin' wtf:ummm: ??? I like the "it pulls like a deisel".:rofl_200: Handles like one too...:bang head:

:rofl_200::rofl_200:Handles like one too. Thats when you gotta pull them balls out and hit it like a flat tracker. Left hand on the left fork tube. Tuck in and go like a bat outa hell. ie, you dont need that Batt suit to haul ass. :punk:
But a suit is recommended.
One problem is, the cops can do 140 in there cars too. So you gotta have a plan of offensive attack. :punk::punk:
No body ever taps me on the shoulder, but the bike will pull my nuts out and flick em sometimes. :rofl_200:
Ha... No suit's gonna help goin that fast ! When I'm thrashin' Pam, ( I named er Pam after the bomb-shell Pamela Anders...) cuz she's sooooo beautiful and ya wanna just go and stare, n climb on er n just whale the piss outta her, n oohhh, mmm - but ya know every time ya ride er, it could kill ya, n, well, she's sooo pretty my wife likes ta ride er, n, ... **** ! Forgot what the hell I's talkin' bout now... Be back, goin to look at Pam...:eek:ff topic sign:
The PI Crown Vic does 140, going downhill with a tailwind, and only on some PI versions. Most are electronically governed to 120 or 135 depending on what the department ordered. The 4.6 V8 in those puts out about 250hp, but it's pushing a 4000+ lb car. Not the fastest thing around, many sporty sedans now are pushing 300hp and weigh a thousand pounds less.

They go pretty good up until the top of third, which is about 90mph. Past that, they're creeping up in fourth. The Vmax will be at 140 before the Vic hits 80.

I've started to see some Hemi powered Chargers around, and they're considerably quicker, though still limited to about 130.
Not even sure what i've had it too. Well over redline and past the 160 marker on the speedo but that's not all that accurate anyway. I'm actually slower with the overdrive and stock engine. You need a bigger engine to utilize the overdrives potential (over 200 real MPH). The bike will pull slower the faster you go until you get an engine that has enough HP.

The ram air on these bikes really isn't worth doing most of the time. There is one guy who has already done this modification and has a website (this topic has another thread about this).
I was chasing down "Mitchell" in Topeka a couple of years ago (catching him I may add) and saw 140. 140 on mine is about 130 on the GPS though. Oh and I am a fat ass too and Mitchell a skinny bastard! He's a nice bastard though... lol

Mine was as solid as a rock but I do have Radials. Mitchell was all over the place. His was weaving pretty heavily.


Ha, Not any more! The Carrs w/radials, fork brace, progressive springs and the 340 shocks made my max like riding on a rail at 135mph. I know for a fact that its running better than ever. Ya know Chris. I've never been called a nice skinny bastard before? Ill take that as a compliment?
Ha, Not any more! The Carrs w/radials, fork brace, progressive springs and the 340 shocks made my max like riding on a rail at 135mph. I know for a fact that its running better than ever. Ya know Chris. I've never been called a nice skinny bastard before? Ill take that as a compliment?

LOL... As it was meant... :biglaugh::clapping:

Yeah the tires help a CRAP TON.
Was asked this question once and I told the guy " I really don't know, at 300 km/h my Koso speedo started flashing zeros at me, but the bike was still pulling hard." I will say that the bike was rock solid, and it had to be as I was passing 3 cars at once with a car headed at me determined to make me a hood ornament. I also can say that I have witnesses, Veebooster and 02Moneypit watched it happen:eusa_dance: Kind of like a hole in one WITH witnesses!!!

Engine was a 1428 and had carbs with a Morley Muscle jet kit at the time. Now with a chain drive and EFI I should top whatever my speed was by a bit!
I never top ended my 85, though got into the 120's on some runs through the gears.
"Skyshot" has been tweaked to put the rear end under max load at a tack indicated 7000rpm with the intention of launching with a slight nose up attitude. Rear tire slippage on any ramp causes tail lifting that can be a serious bummer when you take flight. It is not as simple as fast = distance.
While I will not jeopardize my distance record attempt by sharing my mechanical upgrades with all of you slackers, I can tell you gearing needs to be part of any distance jumping effort. Physics, mathematics, and genaral number crunching = victory.
Most i had out of my 2005 has been over 230 km/hr or 138 mph. That was last year running with an R1 of a buddy of mine. Bike could use a sixth gear as far as I'm concerned. If I had another gear she'd pull to at least 280 or so. Mine is stock cept for an air filter. Plus last year was my first year ever riding a motorcycle and the max is the first bike I've ever owned so I'm still a little bit weary. Everytime I ride it though it's an 'EXPERIENCE' to say the least lol. Second gear shifts, oil light comes on, wheel lifts about 6 inches, hair on my neck stands STRAIGHT UP lol.
I'm kinda interested in the radials. Is it possible to buy a cheap(plain) set of radial rims and fit them on the Max? I've seen the stock rim conversion somewhere here, but that was awfully expensive. There's no other way?
I'm kinda interested in the radials. Is it possible to buy a cheap(plain) set of radial rims and fit them on the Max? I've seen the stock rim conversion somewhere here, but that was awfully expensive. There's no other way?

There is no way really to go "on the cheap" that I know of. Of course I have a set of 18" RC wheels sitting in Rochester, NY that are for sale at a reasonable price that are ready to bolt on. Even will throw in a Galfer rear wave rotor, front tire is new, and rear tire that will need replacing after a short time depending on how you ride........
We can sell a rear rim (17" or 18") that looks very similar to OEM (made by RC Comp). Then you can get a set of radials on the bike and reuse your front wheel (which you can get a radial for). Still not super cheap with the cost being $900- $1100 and up depending on the finish selected.

I know kosman's price is about $1000 for front and rear.
Guess I'm kinda naive when it comes to this stuff. I was thinking how people buy spare rims for car tires for like $100 or so.

So why can the stock front wheel accept a radial, but the rear can't? What's the difference? I assume you don't want a radial front and bias rear?
i don't know the science behind it but thats basically it, u don't want a bias rear and a radial front.
So why can the stock front wheel accept a radial said:
No one makes a radial tire in the stock rear wheel size. Have to get a 17" or 18" rear tire to get a radial. I have a Kosman 18" rear and the stock 18" front with radials. The front wheel is too narrow for the best radial fitment but is acceptable. I prefer 18" front and rear but 17" F & R has by far the best selection of radial tires.
Man you guys are luck bastards. I can only get up to 88 MPH and have to back off. After that I end up jumping through time and ending up in wheat fields.:damn angry:
Man you guys are luck bastards. I can only get up to 88 MPH and have to back off. After that I end up jumping through time and ending up in wheat fields.:damn angry:
You need to starve out the flux capacitor :biglaugh: