Well-Known Member
huh... at about a buck & 1/4, God starts ta tap me on the shoulder as well sayin' wtf:ummm: ??? I like the "it pulls like a deisel".:rofl_200: Handles like one too...:bang head:
:rofl_200::rofl_200:Handles like one too. Thats when you gotta pull them balls out and hit it like a flat tracker. Left hand on the left fork tube. Tuck in and go like a bat outa hell. ie, you dont need that Batt suit to haul ass.
But a suit is recommended.
One problem is, the cops can do 140 in there cars too. So you gotta have a plan of offensive attack.
No body ever taps me on the shoulder, but the bike will pull my nuts out and flick em sometimes. :rofl_200: