Tornado Season

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Derby Kansas
Well, first tornado's of the season have made it through.

This last set came through about 6 miles from the house/shop. BUT, it hit my day job. Looks like my desk might not be there or maybe crushed. Won't know until they let us back in the building. They have given all of our plant a couple of extra days off while they get Hazmat teams in there and also stress engineers to evaluate the buildings.,0,5721294.story

Man that was madness. We had a out break here a little while back but It was just a hand full tornadoes. I am glad that you and yours are safe.
Sean, glad you made it ok. Omaha was very lucky as the storms stayed well south.
No doubt that tornado season is in full swing now. Guess it's time to pump the water out of the cellar and put the emergency supplies down there. I really wanted to convert it into a live-well for fish, but I think I better wait until I have a new cellar built.
phew! glad you and yours OK. six miles from your Ashram, yikes--that would've sucked for sure. i can deal with 'canes, but quakes and twisters uh uh. hold on a sec, you have a day job? man with all that you do for the max community (and bikes in general), i wouldn'tve thought you would've had the time for one. WOW.
I sure hope those extra days off come "with pay" Sean.

We were puckered up pretty good a time or two this past 3 days, but not so much as a single siren ever went off, so we got off lucky this time. A few more weeks will mark Joplin MO's 1yr anniversary........
Glad you and yours are good. I'm with ninjaneer - you must be a busy man!
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Glad to hear you weren't at work when it hit. I can't seem to picture you sitting behind a desk for your day job!!
If I was sitting there today it wouldn't have been this late for me to reply lol! Thanks guys!
Saw your Plant on the news. From the crumpled look of buildings there is probably a lot of hidden damage. Was thinking about you that day and am glad your ok.