Trump Vs Our Current President?

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Yea I've not been on much and unfortunately haven't been riding much. Got a new job last April of '15 and they threw me into the deep end right at the start and put me on huge project. And that project is still ongoing*. Hoping to finish up by the end of this month.

*For anyone curious, I'm in IT. I'm an Active Directory and Exchange(email) administrator. I work for Nestle now and they're moving(moved) to Office 365. I was tagged to migrate all of Nestle in North America(Purina, Nestle USA, Nestle Waters, Nestle Canada, Nespresso) which is about 50,000 mailboxes. It's been a one man show for over a year now. And I'm ready for this to be done. Just a few more weeks. *fingers crossed*

As far as plans for this year I havent made any because I'm pretty much locked from taking any vacation until this project is done. But part of reason this has taken so long is because I'm waiting on other things like network upgrades, software/update deployments to client machines, market approvals, etc.

So once this **** is done, I can actually look at taking some MUCH needed days off. I'm burnt out for sure. I would love to get to Eureka if possible and I know my girlfriend Genesis wants to go too. Just cant commit to anything yet. :bang head:

Heh, just wait until your office 365 ***** the bed. Everyone will point the finger at you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Microsoft is really good at crippling companies who rely on them for email service :biglaugh: At least sysadmin day is around the corner, might be some good freebies this year.
Heh, just wait until your office 365 ***** the bed. Everyone will point the finger at you and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Microsoft is really good at crippling companies who rely on them for email service :biglaugh: At least sysadmin day is around the corner, might be some good freebies this year.

Oh it's already **** the bed a few times plus a whole host of various issues because it's effectively in perpetual BETA. Don't even get me started on their licensing or their legal hold/e-discovery interfaces for our legal teams. We only have 50,000 mailboxes in North America, but all of Nestle is the cloud now which is over 300,000 mailboxes, thousands of sharepoint sites, and OneDrive. And every time there is a hiccup management freezes migrations and wants a whole congressional report on what happened.

Everytime I see an Office 365 commercial I want to pull an Elvis on my TV.