I would love for someone to spell out exactly what Obama did that was so terrible that a complete disaster like Trump would get elected.Not looking for opinion but facts. Not how it affected you personally but the country as a whole.Same for Hillary, I keep hearing she is terrible so explain how she is worse than Trump. Also please explain how keeping government out of healthcare helps the average person. I don't know why we would not regulate something like healthcare to keep the cost affordable for all. I can see why people who are employed in healthcare hate to see it regulated. Lets keep a basic human need unregulated so the cost for the less fortunate people spiral out of control. The next step after lower income people cannot afford healthcare will be that they just don't pay their bills, then the cry will be that these deadbeats are causing cost to rise for us more fortunate ones because that cost is passed on to us. The government is supposed to be for the people, for the greater good not just for the good of the more fortunate. So lets put a list together of how Trump is better than Obama or Hillary and lets keep track over the next four years or however long he last.
I will not defend Trump, because I loathe him. But here's some of the bigger things about the other two that I personally took issue with(this isn't everything, just some big ones for me):
1> His prolific use of drone strikes. The United States of America carries out over 500+ bombing sorties from drones a year and has been doing it for years under his administration. We bomb people every day. Every ******* day. And the American people are never informed of it from his administration. We can't get much information from our government so we have to rely mostly on other sources for it. We know that hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians have been killed over the course of his administration with these drone strikes that he has authorized with his executive power. We have dropped so many bombs under his watch that we started running out of bombs! We have hit wrong targets, innocent targets. Did you know we wiped out dozens of innocent civilians who were having a wedding in one strike because we were wrong? How many enemies do you think that one strike created? And lets not forget he campaigned hard on transparency. Then he hypocritically expressed concern about future presidents abusing that power and doing the very same **** he has been doing - drone bombing the **** out people. He's pretty much changed the national symbol from the American bald eagle to a drone on his own.
2> His support of the Patriot Act and the surveillance of our own citizens even though when he campaigned for office he criticized it. The Patriot Act could have died on his watch. It had an expiration date and he renewed it.
3> And when people tried to let the citizens know about these things(ie whistleblowers) his administration established a pretty solid record of punishing them. Again, so much for the transparency he campaigned on.
1> She supported the Patriot Act in 2001 and she supported it's re-authorization in 2006. If you haven't figured it out, I ******* hate the Patriot Act.
2> She made the wrong call on the Iraq War and her plans for how to handle Syria I didn't agree with at all.
3> Hot Sauce. You're probably thinking "Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill" but the hot sauce moment was just this "cherry on top"l proof to me she just didn't ******* get it after all of the years she's been called out on her ********(hey remember Kosovo and sniper fire?). If you don't know what I'm referring to when she was running for the nomination she was on an African American radio show. They asked what she carries in her purse and her response was hot sauce. Obvious pander right? Well pander is a political term for lying. Lets just get that fact out of the way there.
But for me the timing of that hot sauce moment is very important. She was running against Sanders and his support was swelling. She was well aware there was many in her party that didn't support her and much of the reason was because she's been caught many times in a lie. There was distrust of her within her own party. She KNEW Sanders rise among the party was he spoke his mind. She is seeing the popularity of Trump, but also very importantly she saw the almost immediate dismissal of Jeb Bush among the GOP. So she had all the information she needed to know that "Hey I should probably just be real with the people" and yet she said hot sauce without hesitation. That **** is low hanging fruit and she couldn't even avoid the pander. When she caught pneumonia her campaign handled that in pretty much the worst way possible. Time and time again in her 2016 campaign Clinton proved, at least to me she NEVER learns from her own mistakes. People are going to make mistakes. I totally accept that, but when demonstrably proves they don't learn from their own **** ups then that's a problem with me. In my head I've just shortened the opinion of "Hillary never learns from her mistakes" to "hot sauce." So when you take #3 of "don't learn from your mistakes" and go back and look #1 and #2 -- yea I had alot of problems with Clinton.
But none of that really matters now because Trump is the president and while I sincerely hope the best for our country moving forward under his administration I've got very low expectations. I hope for the best, but I expect such a clusterfuck of a presidency that it will make the Bush Administration look like the golden age. But if I'm wrong, I will so gladly eat my crow and admit I was wrong.