That's great Jules, that Danny is a great guy for sure. Congratulations to you and soon to be lucky man, you look like a great match! :thumbs up: I hope you both are back on your bikes ASAP!Ah thanks guys! Dannymax is a good friend of mine and even tho I don't have my vmax anymore we have lots in common and keeps me up to date on the forum. I appreciate the wishes and concerns and we are doing well. I can't complain! My finger is an awesome black and purple haha and the wedding is still going. Our engagement pics were actually on our bikes but no wedding dress on the motorcycleI'll add a couple of our pics for ya. I could be sulking away but I'm thankful and in high spirits. God was watching out
While I was in the whaaaabulance they were trying to pin him down w/ a ticket. He told em he low sided and cut in front of me. Of course they didn't believe him and made him show where he hit gravel. They walked down and he found oil in the road so he blamed that haha. So no ticket issuedoh here's proof of the accident...
Ouchie! Were you wearing gloves? I hope you heal well and quickly!:clapping:Smart, quick thinking!unk:
The pic didn't work....I'll try.
Man, that looks sore!! :bang head:
Ouchie! Were you wearing gloves? I hope you heal well and quickly!:clapping:
:confused2:Useless information alert: That's Stryker framed stretcher in the picture. :confused2:
Yikes, must have slid a ways on the tarmac! Glad to hear they were geared up!:worthy:Yes they were all geared up but David's right glove was either torn off or ripped.
??? :ummm: What's that Brian?
Yikes, must have slid a ways on the tarmac! Glad to hear they were geared up!:worthy:
I used to work for a specialty hospital bed company and we used the Stryker bed frame on a few of our beds. They were a major improvement over the previous style bed frames we were using that had smaller wheels, bad brakes and very heavy.
Kinetic Concepts INC. for more info. Some of the beds cost $180,000 and we would rent them for $175 to $325/ day to hospitals/ trauma centers/ extended care facilities/ etc.