Universal gear indicator light

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I could see that thing not working for ****. It's based on shifter travel and one extra pull of the shifter will make it think you shifted up another gear.
might work on a vmax since it stops when you are at the top or bottom. plenty of bikes have what i'll clal 'false' shifts eh?
Yes, but if it works on a magnet that senses when you move the lever if would need to be in the center to sense both an upward movement as well as downward. This means if you pull up on the lever again it may trigger another gear. Depends on how large the sensor area is in relation to the play in the trans.
I have one of these units. Think I bought it after a good half a bottle of jack. For each there own but it seems cheap, looks cheap, but may work for some circumstances? If anyone wants it I will ship to you for cost of shipping. Send me a pm and we can figure out how you can install and give a simple write up on how it works out.
This is a new design it has 2 sensors one for up shift & one for down shift. The older version only has 1 sensor .
Well I have it installed & on the bike stand she works so far so good . We will see how it works on the road. I just wish the wires were a lil thicker I soldered mine & there like working w/ thread.
would love a review/ pics/install specs.
would love a review/ pics/install specs.
For sure I will take some pics explain the setup & instalattion but I cant test it on the road cause I am still waiting for parts to finish her up & fire her up. But just sitting on the stand it seems to work good.
For sure I will take some pics explain the setup & instalattion but I cant test it on the road cause I am still waiting for parts to finish her up & fire her up. But just sitting on the stand it seems to work good.

Ok so I installed the light today . The hardest part was to figure out where a good solid place was to mount it where both sensors (2" space) would be activated so I used the side cover of the final drive? The magnet is under the rubber boot for the shifter joint linkage. The wires are super thin thats my only complaint . I ran the + (red) wire to key on power to the head light fuse side .The - (blk) i put a female conector on & bolted it to the faux tank key lock. The directions mentioned the (white) netraul wire but I just cut it I'm just using my neutral light. So far on the light works well on the center stand I wish I could tell you how it works driving but it will be a couple more weeks .. I will say for such a tiny magnet it sure is strong as hell. Anyway here are a few pics its temporarly mounted on clutch master untill my handlebar riser gets here I think it will go on there somewhere.


Look's like it's gonna work out! Now we will have to see how it holds up. Ya never know with some of the chinese stuff. I bought a chinese solar powered water pump for a lawn ornament that I swore wouldn't last a month and it ended up going strong for 3 years!
how do u see it working on a bike that doesn't 'stop' when you are at the end of the tranny but does almost a full 'false' shift?
meaning, when you are in 1st gear (or fifth gear) and try to shift again. Does it pick that up and show it as a shift or does it have a tight enough pattern that it doesn't sense that extra push of the lever?
meaning, when you are in 1st gear (or fifth gear) and try to shift again. Does it pick that up and show it as a shift or does it have a tight enough pattern that it doesn't sense that extra push of the lever?
No its set where you need a full up or shift down . The further the sensors are apart the better . The closer the more sensitive they are . I have mine at 1" 1/2 apart
No its set where you need a full up or shift down . The further the sensors are apart the better . The closer the more sensitive they are . I have mine at 1" 1/2 apart

Right. so on the vmax if you are in 1st say, and hit down nothing happens, its stopped. on my nt650 which i might be interested in putting this on, if i hit down, it goes down but nothing happens.
Right. so on the vmax if you are in 1st say, and hit down nothing happens, its stopped. on my nt650 which i might be interested in putting this on, if i hit down, it goes down but nothing happens.
Correct you need a full gear shift to be activated .