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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
Reaction score
Nairobi, Kenya
Started to encounter a problem today with my boost kicking in while at idle and seem to be getting worse. I have the Sasy controller on and the yellow v-boost light started to flicker and then go solid, and the engine would stall.

I will only have the bike on the road for another couple of weeks then its being shipped to my next post in Nairobi, all I want is a simple fix so I can ride, I dont really care if I have v-boost or not at this point, I know that might offend some of you!

Any suggestions, can I simply disconnect or remove the fuse and keep riding, or is there any quick simple tests to perform, I do have a spare t-boost controller

Ron, is the SASY plug 'n play? I would remove it and plug in normal vboost. This is the round connector under the left scoop. Turn the key and see if the vboost servo motor cycles open/closed.
Started to encounter a problem today with my boost kicking in while at idle and seem to be getting worse. I have the Sasy controller on and the yellow v-boost light started to flicker and then go solid, and the engine would stall.

I will only have the bike on the road for another couple of weeks then its being shipped to my next post in Nairobi, all I want is a simple fix so I can ride, I dont really care if I have v-boost or not at this point, I know that might offend some of you!

Any suggestions, can I simply disconnect or remove the fuse and keep riding, or is there any quick simple tests to perform, I do have a spare t-boost controller


Ron, I would suggest that you completely unplug the sasy system, and go back to stock 1st, than try the bike to see if fixed, if so problem solved :banana:

If not and you want a quick fix, remove airbox and unplug servo motor (round white plug style), than take off left air scoop and unplug the vboost controler, problem solved, but no boost.

:cheers: Mike
To be honest VBOOST isnt all the great!! Sorry for those that think its the ****
Yes you feel it when it opens up I agree nothing that causes me to get excited When I first bought the bike I bought the T BOOST thinking it would be great to have it kick in at 3000 I played around with it at the drag strip and there was NO performance increase yes it changes the engine tone while cruising at highway speeds at 5K RPMS

After all that and found no performance increase I just keep the VBOoST open
Turn the key let it cycle when you here a pause disconnect the round 5-6 pin connector behind the left scoop and be done with it The vboost is now always open and the idle makes it sound like a solid lifter cam much loppier sound imo sounds awesome
No performance gain or loss just one less thing to mess up If you ever goto Synch your carbs plug it back up or you will go nuts trying to get it set in:cheers:
well I disconneted the Sasy, and just ran it stock, same problem as soon as it starts to warm up the idle drops up and down and stalls out. I disconnected the boost sensor and the and the vboost controller same problem, obviously its not the vboost.

any ideas

Ron, is the SASY plug 'n play? I would remove it and plug in normal vboost. This is the round connector under the left scoop. Turn the key and see if the vboost servo motor cycles open/closed.

Mark the vboost motor does cycle open and close.

To be honest VBOOST isnt all the great!! Sorry for those that think its the ****
Yes you feel it when it opens up I agree nothing that causes me to get excited When I first bought the bike I bought the T BOOST thinking it would be great to have it kick in at 3000 I played around with it at the drag strip and there was NO performance increase yes it changes the engine tone while cruising at highway speeds at 5K RPMS

After all that and found no performance increase I just keep the VBOoST open
Turn the key let it cycle when you here a pause disconnect the round 5-6 pin connector behind the left scoop and be done with it The vboost is now always open and the idle makes it sound like a solid lifter cam much loppier sound imo sounds awesome
No performance gain or loss just one less thing to mess up If you ever goto Synch your carbs plug it back up or you will go nuts trying to get it set in:cheers:
no increase in performance at the drags ?...your using your vboost it just stays open all the time?.....on the street vboost open all the time power is down everywhere under 6000 rpm.thats most of your riding
Ron, time to check other things. Check ignition first, then we'll move to carbs, boots, fuel filter, etc.
Ron, time to check other things. Check ignition first, then we'll move to carbs, boots, fuel filter, etc.
Any suggestion on what I should check first with the ignition Mark. I removed all 4 spark plugs, 1 was black running way too rich, 1 was border line rich, and 2 were fine, not sure if that was caused by the boost kicking in at idle??

boots are fine Mark I just replaced those less than 6 months ago, air box is sitting flush and boots are tight. I opened the drain screw on all 4 carbs, the gas is clean, no dirt or crap came out.

I would check resistance of plug wires, boots and secondary coil windings. Measureing from boot to frame ground should be 19-22K Ohms. Wiggle it and see if the reading changes. How is your air filter and fuel filter?
I would check resistance of plug wires, boots and secondary coil windings. Measureing from boot to frame ground should be 19-22K Ohms. Wiggle it and see if the reading changes. How is your air filter and fuel filter?

Air filter and fuel filter are fine Mark
Any suggestion on what I should check first with the ignition Mark. I removed all 4 spark plugs, 1 was black running way too rich, 1 was border line rich, and 2 were fine, not sure if that was caused by the boost kicking in at idle??

boots are fine Mark I just replaced those less than 6 months ago, air box is sitting flush and boots are tight. I opened the drain screw on all 4 carbs, the gas is clean, no dirt or crap came out.


Ron, can u eloborate on the plug condition. Plug condition for which cylinder. Trying to find out which cylinder is running rich, etc...

no increase in performance at the drags ?...your using your vboost it just stays open all the time?.....on the street vboost open all the time power is down everywhere under 6000 rpm.thats most of your riding

Sorry I wish I could make sense of this so I will answer the questions
No increase at the drags with V BOOST working or always open that is correct
V BOOST is disconnected meaning the butterflys dont cycle they are open all the time
Sorry I wish I could make sense of this so I will answer the questions
No increase at the drags with V BOOST working or always open that is correct
V BOOST is disconnected meaning the butterflys dont cycle they are open all the time

so you are using vboost in open position ...both carbs are feeding one cylinder....all the time you are using the vboost that you can understand..your just loosing power in the street under 6500 rpm...take your vboost off when your drag racing one carb feeding one cylinder your times will go down with your setup ... so your statement dont make sense.... unless you wherer talking about just drag racing..and not streetable power
Hey guys, your :eek:fftopic: - this is not about if vboost is better on/off all the time, etc... It's about trying to help Ron fix his bike to get as much riding time before he has to pack it up and ship to his next post.

If you want talk about the pros and cons of tboost, stock boost, etc.... how about starting another thread.

Don't make have to :spanka: you guys for not listening :rofl_200:

Ron, can u eloborate on the plug condition. Plug condition for which cylinder. Trying to find out which cylinder is running rich, etc...


Mike, the front right cylinder was rich and the rear right was running slightly rich, I replaced all 4 plugs, set all screws to 2.5 turns, none of them were more than 2.75 turns out, started her up, starts fine, I using the choke, after a minute or two choke is off, and when she warms up a bit the RPM's stumble below 1000 and she stalls out, even if I try to turn the throttle she stalls out.

Hey guys, your :eek:fftopic: - this is not about if vboost is better on/off all the time, etc... It's about trying to help Ron fix his bike to get as much riding time before he has to pack it up and ship to his next post.

If you want talk about the pros and cons of tboost, stock boost, etc.... how about starting another thread.

Don't make have to :spanka: you guys for not listening :rofl_200:

in the words of lanky i wish i could make sence of this
so you are using vboost in open position ...both carbs are feeding one cylinder....all the time you are using the vboost that you can understand..your just loosing power in the street under 6500 rpm...take your vboost off when your drag racing one carb feeding one cylinder your times will go down with your setup ... so your statement dont make sense.... unless you wherer talking about just drag racing..and not streetable power

No both carbs are inline on the VMAX so it feeds 2 cyl 2 carbs
2 cyls for one side and 2 carbs feed 2 cyl on the other side
2 + 2 Carbs = 4

Plain and simple 2 carbs feed 2 cyl
Streetable power is that different than dragstrip power:ummm:
Maybe thats why I spun last night I had street air in my tires rather than dragracing air :confused2: