Do you have power to it? Check w/a multimeter, turn on the key, and you should see the current as the servo should be cycling the VBoost open/shut. If you have current flow but the servo isn't operational, check the electrical connection under the left scoop, the round one. It should be 'tight & bright.'
At the risk of sounding sarcastic you need to do some structured diagnosis.
The alternative is to follow each guess that we offer and you may strike lucky but you may (will?) more likely waste time and possibly money.
Suggest you look at the Service Manual as starting point.
I would suggest that it is probably your control module under your left fake air intake. It’s the large square box with the round plug. The circuit board solder cracks and doesn’t make correct contact. You can check by having your ignition on and twisting the module to see if you can hear it working. This video explains it all