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+1. thanks for sharing, prez. it confirms a lot of what i wasn't sure about. for example, the social classes. mind you, my inlaws aren't polish, but do harbor similar cultural tendencies. for the longest time, i've been trying to explain to my father-in-law the reason why he has so much trouble understanding american culture is because his wannabe dignitary attitude doesn't fly here in the states. also i hope the non-americans especially take to heart the disposition of the american soldier and that they aren't cold-mannered robots. +1 to the american woman not in-tune with their feminine side. i LOVE LOVE well-dressed women. the hootchy mama look is absolutely disgraceful. again many many thanks, prez. good stuff.
+1. thanks for sharing, prez. it confirms a lot of what i wasn't sure about. for example, the social classes. mind you, my inlaws aren't polish, but do harbor similar cultural tendencies. for the longest time, i've been trying to explain to my father-in-law the reason why he has so much trouble understanding american culture is because his wannabe dignitary attitude doesn't fly here in the states. also i hope the non-americans especially take to heart the disposition of the american soldier and that they aren't cold-mannered robots. +1 to the american woman not in-tune with their feminine side. i LOVE LOVE well-dressed women. the hootchy mama look is absolutely disgraceful. again many many thanks, prez. good stuff.

Actually its a whole series of videos called POLANDIA where people from diffrent countries around the world talks about living in PL(all speaks english in thier own way!). Some of those stories were schoking to me but I kinda liked the US army guy - hes smart and had respect to learn about the country hes living already. IMHO hes unique.

Recently I've met one Dutch guy (cheers Leo) whos travleing around the world to assemble the machines hes selling and also train the crew how to use those machines. He speaks at least 5 diffrent languages - very cool fella to chat about the WORLD.
I've asked him WHERE he would like to take his family becouse he was already everywhere you can imagine. I tought he would say to USA but no, he said he could not live in the states. I asked why Leo?

He said: americans are very patriotic, they spent as much time they can with family, they love competition even if it is a "neighbor lawn manower competition" and cant live without it, they always in a rush and dont accept if you are diffrent(somethimes even calling you a freak) and they always need a leader cuz they hate to work alone.
As much I know USA I agrre with him and, I bealive nothing wrtten above is not a truth. NONE of these things you will gonna find in PL.

He said he would like to live in Australia. LOL I asked why?
He told me a very cool story. Once he was lost in Perth(maybe Im wrong about where cuz dont recall exactly, nevermid) and he stoped at the red light, opened the window and tried to talk with the guy who was sitting outside hes house. "Excuse me, can you tell me where is XXXX place"?

Guy slowly raised hes head, slowly walked to the car, placed his arms on the doors and started to chat with ME ! "Hey mate, no rush. Where are you from my friend?..." he was talking for at least 5 minutes and in the meanwhile at least 10 cars were behind ME, lights changed more then 5 times and guess what? Nothing...nobody was yelling, honking - not even a slight sing of becoming irritated!
The same happened with working - normally at the morning EU worker will start hes work asap at the morning - not in the AU!
They were suprised why Im in such a rush from the early morning!

Kinda cool stuff to me listening stories like this one.
We were talking for hours about USA, China and other contries.
To me Leo, is the most valuable knowledge source as it goes about cultural diffrences around the world.

I have lot of family and friends in the states and everyone are telling: come here, get some job....for some time in the past I liked that idea but as more info and experience I was gathering about living in the states then more I liked staying in EU.

One thing for sure cant be denied - for EU citizen america is completly diffrent story and vice versa.

Just one thing I HATE about americans - the ingnorance for the other nations but...I found the same in Switzerland...guess it must be normal for CLOSED lands.

Just one thing I HATE about americans - the ingnorance for the other nations but...I found the same in Switzerland...guess it must be normal for CLOSED lands. Peace![/QUOTE said:
I really understand that feeling Prez, I was married to a woman that moved here from Italy, she had an understanding about the US that I had never even considered. It was a real eye opener for sure. She made me realize that we Americans are very short sighted about other countries and the people that live in them, hell she and her whole family took the effort to learn to speak english to live here comfortably. Before knowing her I was one of the idiots that assumed that english was a language that was spoken in every country at least some.
As an American I feel foolish watching the "World" news because I know that it isnt a true interpretation of the world and that here in the states the media puts a very political spin on things to sway the populace to believe the way they think we should. I am a proud American but I would definitely change some things in our educational system to afford our children a better understanding of how the world and other cultures really are. I always appreciate you honesty, no matter how brutal it is.
interesting that you would bring up the Dutch. long story short, my mom while in Holland put her newborn daughter up for adoption. after 35 years of anguish, remorse, guilt, and concern, the daughter (I call her Leo, Mom calls her Nicky) finally tracked down my Mom through a charity and had been wanting to meet my Mom for a few months--Mom denying the reunion for obvious reasons (well obvious to me at least). Well Mom finally sent me a letter a few days before I got married revealing her secret (only my Dad knew, none of her brothers and sisters, etc). I excitedly invited my sister to my wedding where we first met.

Anyways, now that my attempt to shorten a long story has seemingly failed, a year later and after many visits, my Mom and Dad wanted to sponsor my sister and her family to immigrate to the States. They were willing at first and started making plans. but after a few more months, my sister declined the offer stating many of the reasons that you, Prez, have stated, plus some other nuances that don't sit right with her European ways.

It's funny, both my sister, wife, inlaws absolutely LOVE the States, but just like me, we love our respective country, and would rather visit the other's instead of living there.
I really understand that feeling Prez, I was married to a woman that moved here from Italy, she had an understanding about the US that I had never even considered. It was a real eye opener for sure. She made me realize that we Americans are very short sighted about other countries and the people that live in them, hell she and her whole family took the effort to learn to speak english to live here comfortably. Before knowing her I was one of the idiots that assumed that english was a language that was spoken in every country at least some.
As an American I feel foolish watching the "World" news because I know that it isnt a true interpretation of the world and that here in the states the media puts a very political spin on things to sway the populace to believe the way they think we should. I am a proud American but I would definitely change some things in our educational system to afford our children a better understanding of how the world and other cultures really are. I always appreciate you honesty, no matter how brutal it is.
Here in PL we learn of all history in school, always have valid news from all over the world. We know a lot about USA, China, Russia etc

I bealive about 50% of Poles speaks english quite comunicative and personaly I bealive its not the KEY to speak with UK and USA but to speak with all nations. Everywhere I go within EU thers always someone who speaks english.

I came to Swiss not knowing german and Im using english to comunicate.
Everything comes to me easy.

Here in EU most people will always tell you the truth - in a specific way for each nation or group of people - we hate the lack of sincerity.
interesting that you would bring up the Dutch. long story short, my mom while in Holland put her newborn daughter up for adoption. after 35 years of anguish, remorse, guilt, and concern, the daughter (I call her Leo, Mom calls her Nicky) finally tracked down my Mom through a charity and had been wanting to meet my Mom for a few months--Mom denying the reunion for obvious reasons (well obvious to me at least). Well Mom finally sent me a letter a few days before I got married revealing her secret (only my Dad knew, none of her brothers and sisters, etc). I excitedly invited my sister to my wedding where we first met.

Anyways, now that my attempt to shorten a long story has seemingly failed, a year later and after many visits, my Mom and Dad wanted to sponsor my sister and her family to immigrate to the States. They were willing at first and started making plans. but after a few more months, my sister declined the offer stating many of the reasons that you, Prez, have stated, plus some other nuances that don't sit right with her European ways.

It's funny, both my sister, wife, inlaws absolutely LOVE the States, but just like me, we love our respective country, and would rather visit the other's instead of living there.
So I must admit my friend - you know my story quite good enough.
But that just you and maybe few others here.

But, how to tell the rest of americans to try to look for more options instead of neverending "what the **** this psycho Pole is talking about...again?" :rofl_200:
Here in PL we learn of all history in school, always have valid news from all over the world. We know a lot about USA, China, Russia etc

I bealive about 50% of Poles speaks english quite comunicative and personaly I bealive its not the KEY to speak with UK and USA but to speak with all nations. Everywhere I go within EU thers always someone who speaks english.

I came to Swiss not knowing german and Im using english to comunicate.
Everything comes to me easy.

Here in EU most people will always tell you the truth - in a specific way for each nation or group of people - we hate the lack of sincerity.

See thats my point! If you came to America you would be hard pressed to find 3% that could speak Polish and even less that could communicate if they were to go to any other country in the world. My ex-wife made a point that english was a 2nd language to our children. My son could understand and speak Italian, German, and Spanish better than he could English until he was 5-6 My daughter that same. My ex-wifes mother speaks 7 languages fluently and has lived here in the states for 25 years. In Texas there are predominately 2 languages spoken but she live by a culture that isnt available to most US people. I would love to one day live in Europe even had a chance to move to Greece once but couldnt bring myself to do it because of the cultural/communication issue. I may make it over there as a tourist one day but probably couldnt live there. I get told all the time by my Euro friends that I would get hassled for not only the way I look but act as well.
How can i put this on my mp3 player. Thats good for cruzing. I like it tothemax.
If you came to America you would be hard pressed to find 3% that could speak Polish.
Not if you came to Chicago, half the city speaks Polish :rofl_200:

Prez, I kind of agree with some of what you're saying. Americans in general only "care" about themselves in a sense that they think they are right all the time, they are very patriotic sometimes way over the top to a point where they can't comperehend how someone can have a different point of view. I'm not going to even start discussing politcs but lets stick to sports. It pisses me off to no end that during the olympics for example, the only coverage on TV you could find was of an American team. The only time you get to see other countries compete is if they are competing against US team. I went to high school here and what we learned in history was pretty much only about US or if they US was somehow involved. For example, how US won WWII. When my grandma saw what they were teaching us in school she nearly had a heart attack (she lived through WWII and so did my great grandfather who passed away only few years ago).

Than if you try to state your case you get the usual "...if you don't like it why don't you go back to where you came from..." this is usually where I tend to end the conversation becuase there is no point talking any further. It's like talking to a rock.

Of course there's always exceptions but this is my overall feeling from living in the US for almost 20 years.

Having said that, I think that Americans in general (at least where I live) are very friendly and are willing to help out. Let me put it this way, if my life depended on a strangers help and I had to guess who would be the first one to help, I would say without a doubt it would be an American and not a Polish person living here, this is kind of sad but that's how things are. Don't even get me started on Poles in Chicago (there are few good ones but most you just want to take and punch their lights out) FOBs (fresh of the boat) are the worse.

What I've noticed when I visit Poland is how rude people are. Everyone walks around as if they have a chip on their shoulder. Try striking up a conversation with a stranger in PL and they look at you like you're not from this planet. And there is a lot of those that think they know what life in US is but really have no clue. They've heard stories. I personally met two different people who spent 4 years in US and they "forgot" how to speak Polish. So it really depends on your persepctive. And in all honesty life in the US is a lot better (not sure if that's the best term) easier maybe? Yes there's issues but so is everywhere else.

I've lived in PL for 15 years and 20 in the US. I moved here because both my parents did and I couldn't really stay behind on my own and in all honesty I think I got an easier life that I would have in PL because of their decision.

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