The mechanic reminds me of Toddler but Toddler sell most of his bikes. He's always making his own parts and tools when he needs them. Sometimes Toddler even makes us stuff. I feel the kids that dont have it is because the mother or father dident take the time to thumb them into doing it. I wasent sure how much good it did that i was over involved in my kids life and i did make alot of mistakes because i dident back off but the other day i ran into his boss and the boss went on and on about how much he likes having my son work for him. He even told me i did a great job raising him. And said if he wants to stay working there he would be willing to move him up the latter. He's always been a good kid but to here something like that about your kid in this day and age makes you feel good. So i say when you run into that person that needs some thumbing go ahead and thumb the shitout of them they need it.