Here is a ride I took today using the ATC-1000. This camera isn't much good in cold weather, I got a little more then 3 min of video at 27deg, before it shut itself off.
At the 2:15 area, I drove by a mall, the sign showed 27, the temp on the house's thermometer showed about the same.
You can see the gravel and the ice on the roads, so you have to have your wits about you, not to mention the 1:19 area of the video, you can see the white car with the dumb ass driver in it.
She was looking at me the entire time, even was looking at me when she pulled in front of me, giving me a few feet to slow down. It's called defensive driving, teach it to your kids, it helps. Like they say in the law enforcement world, complacentcy kills, or in this case, can cause you to spend a little more money and a little more down time on the bike.
There were 3 others out riding today, I saw a Harley, and a Beemer, so a thumbs up and helmet nods all around.
The power the bikes make when you have cold dry air is pretty damn cool, but you have to be carefull cause the road's surface don't like to hold it.
And I'm still working on the wind noise, I have another idea I'm going to try.
Well here's the video.....