Vmax Problems

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Active Member
Apr 28, 2011
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I went out for a ride yesterday and the bike just died, I thought that it had ran out of gas but it wasnt completely empty, I went and filled the bike up and had to jump start it, but it ran fine while the jumper cables were on it, but when removed it started with irregular idle and back firing, Im figuring its something to do with voltage but am not 100% sure any help would be greatly appreciated. Maybe some one on here has had this type of problem or something similar please need help soon. Thanks Dale
sounds like a internal short in the batt. id try a new battery and then also check the voltage while its running to make sure its charging correctly.
I know the battery is bad, I just got a new one, but it ran fine the other night when I brought it home from my parents house, the tach was jump around too, I just hope that it isnt anything serious, if I cant figure it out Im going to take it to my mech and see if he can figure it out, Thanks
so you are having the problems with the new batt, when you take the jumper cables off??? id recheck your ground wires for anything loose or not making good connections first off.
All the battery is designed to do is start the bike. After that the charging system takes over. The battery can even be removed and the bike will continue to run. BUT, a seriously shorted battery could cause other problems but it would also be harder to start.

Sounds like it's not charging to me.

Well went and put the new battery in and started and ran fine, but they sent me the wrong battery, So I will have to send it back and get another one sent.
So...........while running on the brand new battery, is the bike charging correctly?
I will have to get a multimeter and check it across the battery, but it seemed like it ran fine with the new battery
It will with a new battery until it runs the battery dead (that's if it's not charging).

Does it have the metal jacket? That can be ripped off.
No it is the 680 not the 680M I got it in and the bike is running fine so far and the voltage across the battery seems with in range, so hopefully it was just a bad battery, and nothing else, thanks guys for all your help