Vmax Vs zx14 drag race offer...

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Wow a pass in the 9's not bad since the rider looked to weigh no more then 85 lbs. :rofl_200:
113/114 in the 1/8 mile is decent even though the stock 09 Busas are running 117 here which at a track with good air it would be 120+ put a lil jockey looking rider on it and I am sure 122+
Basically the 09 VMAX is about as fast as the 1st generation with a good shot of nitrous..

Hmmmm 1000,00 bucks for a wet shot of nitrous or 16K + Tax for an 09 under warranty.. If I had the money I would go with the 09, since Extra Money doesnt fall in my every day langauge I guess I will just not line up with one for money in a street race.

Small amount of wheel spin will increase MPH any where from 1-3 mph gains,, as i stated not excessive wheel spin like white smoking the tire through the first 3 gears..

I have never seen any change in ET with shallow staging or deep staging. MPH will be less but not any where near a full number.
Ive raced 2 classes at a track on the same bike in a Street ET class and a pro class.. I was Deep staging on a pro tree in the heads up class and in the street class I would stage normal and use a delay box no difference.. Maybe in a car, but on a bike its Zilch.. Sorry.. I dont know about cars I only raced them on a track a few times and I wasnt expierenced enough.
Lankee, did you ever see a loss in ET(even very small) due to redlighting? I never have.

I have, but I attribute that to me getting out of then back into the throttle a little as I got pissed at myself after I see one green and one red eye staring at me. Not to motorcycle performance.
I have, but I attribute that to me getting out of then back into the throttle a little as I got pissed at myself after I see one green and one red eye staring at me. Not to motorcycle performance.

lol denial will get you know were. That would be a huge drop off in performance feathering the throttle. I am talking hundreths of a sec.
Who knows all things react differently . I own 2 ten sec mustangs one is currently down. My 69(NOS and NA) picks up mph when it spins. My 91 (supercharger)looses mph when it spins? I do not race my Vmax as of right now so I do not have data for it.
Lankee, did you ever see a loss in ET(even very small) due to redlighting? I never have.[/quote

To be honest Bird I cant remember redlighting and the effect it has on the overall ET... My VMAX isnt that consistent in its street trip to really compare. My 60ft times in bracket racing will be between
1.690 - 1.730 which isnt consistent enought to make an accurate statement or opinion..
When I dragraced my ol bike it would constantly run every pass consistent.
I am talking 60ft times always stayed within .005 of every pass in a night of racing.

The 60ft times I posted are from bracket racing which are night and day differently when I am trying for a low ET.
Bracket race launch is
Throttle held at 6500 RPMS
Delay Box Releases the Clutch through a Flow control and bike lurches forward almost stalling out and then its WOT.
lol denial will get you know were. That would be a huge drop off in performance feathering the throttle. I am talking hundreths of a sec.
Who knows all things react differently . I own 2 ten sec mustangs one is currently down. My 69(NOS and NA) picks up mph when it spins. My 91 (supercharger)looses mph when it spins? I do not race my Vmax as of right now so I do not have data for it.

Well it was a drop in ET. :rofl_200: I wouldn't really call it feathering the throttle, more of a not snapping it to WOT as fast as I normally do.
He broke out early but does that affect the ET time? :ummm:

There are really two timers and effect the reaction time and ET.

One is from the time the light goes green till you trip the starting line "start light"

That is your reaction time. the "start lite" you trip with your front wheel stops the reaction time timer and at the same time begins the ET timer.

The other is from the starting line start lite to the finish line...that is your ET..

You could get a green lite, sit there for 5 seconds, go and turn a 9 second pass, the 5 seconds is your reaction time only and has zero effect on your ET.

You could also trip the start light well before the green light and you would end up with a negative reaction time, Still with zero effect on your ET.

It's the reason that in heads-up racing a rider with the slower ET sometimes still wins the race due to a reaction time that's good enough to allow him to still get to the finish line first, even tho he ran a slower ET, since the sum total of a true race is BOTH times from the green ligh to the finish line. This rarely happens in pro racing but it happens all the time when riders have ****** reaction or wildly different reaction times.

The WIN light doesn't go the fastest ET, it goes to the first one down the track, unless of course that rider redlighted.

In the event that a rider red-lights in a heads-up race, it doesn't matter who gets to the finish line first, the win will go to the driver who didn't redlight.

But both drivers still get a time slip showing thier true ET regardless of who won, the driver that redlighted will have a negative reaction time.

There are certain techniques that technically may cause the reaction time and ET to interplay in that deep staging and shallow staging change how far the front wheel has to move before it trips the ET start timer, and changes the amount of forward momentum the bike has before it starts the ET timer (we're talking inches here)

Shallow staging may help your 60' time and improve your ET since you had an extra few inches to get the bike rolling before tripping the ET start light with your front wheel. But it also increases your reaction time since you have farther to go between getting the green and getting the bike moving before tripping the start light which ends the reaction time timer.

As far as which one is better for winning a heads-up race I have no clue since it seems there is a trade-off either way; Lanket could probably answer that one. But if I was simply trying to cut the lowest ET I could get for testing purposes I would definitely shallow stage the bike.
As far as winning a heads up with race equal cars the vehical that deep stages will win every time. As long as there is no red light. It is like getting a head start, a normal staged car against a car that has deep staged will actualy sit further back at the starting line. For better ET, the car shallow staged will get the better ET. You get a rolling start before you trip the light. Thats why when I red light my ET is a tad slower because all the roll out is gone. We used to race on a 4 tenths tree at my home track back in the early 90's the only way bracket cars could catch a good reaction time was by deep staging the car. Only one bulb on on the tree was lite , you actualy roll through and turn the top bulb out when you stage. It is allowed at allot of tracks you still see it in the NHRA at times. It always slows your ET on a mid 12 sec car it was close to a tenth. Because you have no rolling start. . My local track went to a 5 tenths tree later on and there was no need to deep stage your car any more because you could time your launch better, plus there is more time from the last yellow to the green. I am not making this stuff up lol I have lived at a drag strip racing since 1985. I had of learned something :hmmm:.
Now that being said the faster the cars I have owned have gotten the quicker they react. Maybe a 8 second bike reacts so quickly and they stage them so tight to the light I guess the advantge to roll out could be in the thousands. I would be willing to bet anybody on here a nice steak dinner if you pulled a 100 time slips checked average ET on your normal runs to average ET on redlight runs(if you are good enough to be consistant) ther would be a very slight difference. JMO
Rollout is what will vary between track to track..
Deep Staging is allowed in some classes, but in most NHRA classes its NOT.
When I raced in the IDBA it was allowed in heads up classes.
Most cars and even motorcycles have a hard time on a Pro / .400 tree.
If I shallow staged I couldnt react any quicker then .030 on an avg.
When I deep staged I would have to put .010 in the dleay box to avg .420 lights.

These numbers are measured in hundreth. I couldnt see losing a .10 just due to a shallow or deep stage..

Do the math.. Where is Huber at? Give us the forumla Jeff
I need a distance and speed and time per .10 at .... lets say hmm 1/4 mile which 1320 ft say VMAX speeds at 121 MPH
I can tell you this ..... .10 is about 4 feet at an 1/8 mile... so are you saying that you roll 4 feet between the pre stage and stage lights at your track?
no what I am saying is you need to go back to math class :bang head: lol.

lets say you are going 95 to 100 mph at 1/8th mile and .10 of a sec is 4 feet. How fast are you going sitting at the starting line? You just said at 100 mph it is 4 feet so it can't be 4 feet at 0 to say 5 mph lol how fast are you traveling in 6 inches. I think I explained it pretty clearly in my last post.