#2592 since 2002!unk:
I'm a member. It's too bad when they redid the website they did away with all of the old info/posts so I usually find what I'm looking for here.
New member but will renew - wish Ky had a chapter
Start one . You can probably apply & receive a chapter leadership role. Not many want the responsibility.
I've been a member for a while but somehow my log on info was confused with anothers who was banned & I couldn't log on . The site thought I was somebody else. They straightened it out recently , but missed the last couple issues of v-boost mag. Not a fan of the digital mag , I like the hard copy .
Just received my renewal. Like Jim as the Boss so I'll renew for sure...
X member here #3019. Singed up in 2002 when there was lots of VMOA events in SoCal. It was great!! Then all the distrect learders quit for some reason,no more ride's.Then they took away my Vboost hard copy & raised the membership fee.That was the last straw for me :confused2:Ex member #4860. Let it lapse for no good reason. Just like and get what I like here. I like a magazine but that does'nt make or break it for me. I wish they did more sponsored events or funded chapter events. I know I know, no money.
You got that right Blaine. We got a great VMF social group here in SoCal. If we can all hook up for this summer it would be great thing. Just like the old VMOA events we had 10 years ago.I really missed those rides.:rocket bike:Ex-member. Was in the VMOA for 2 years. One thing I've noticed about VMax riders is that 99% of the ones I met are very likeable people. If you are a good person and ride a VMax then you already ARE part of a club.
X member here #3019. Singed up in 2002 when there was lots of VMOA events in SoCal. It was great!! Then all the distrect learders quit for some reason,no more ride's.Then they took away my Vboost hard copy & raised the membership fee.That was the last straw for me :confused2:
I must have almost 40 Vboost mags.When I learned that there was not going to be any more hard copy's for winter 2010,that was it for me.If they start printing them again I mite change my mind.:biglaugh:I'm curous what you eman by they took away your vboost? Only two issues have been done digitally, Winter 2010 and Winter 2011? Tell me, what issue are you referring to there? All other publications have been done quarterly as they always have been?
I must have almost 40 Vboost mags.When I learned that there was not going to be any more hard copy's for winter 2010,that was it for me.If they start printing them again I mite change my mind.:biglaugh:
:bang head: Guilty as charged.summer issue I will submit something, don't know if I have two cents,but I'll do what I can.( will it be proof read? I need that)
If we could even get 10% of our member pool to submit content, it would be an awesome magazine to read!!!
Let me ask you, during your membership from 2003 - 2011, how many articles did you submit for the vboost?
My 2 cents for the day........
for your information, I did not know that VBoost mag was being printed. In the past I submitted two articles. Here are two photos of what I posted - I can't remember the dates, but I did try to help. (incidentally, no need for sarcasm!)The Vboost is still being printed. The only reason those 2 winter editions were not printed was due to lack of content. As you know winter is the worst time for riders since its the coldest season around. Most riders park their bikes this time of year. You need to remember that the Vboost magazine is a member driven publication. Without our members submitting content, we cant go to print with less than adequate content. The magazine is horrific due to over sized layouts throughout the publication. We had to literally "fluff" the digital copies so they at least appeared to look halfway decent. For the most part it seems like its just the board members that are mainly submitting the content since its part of their duties as a board member. Now if we could get all our members to submit content as to write ups about their bike, their modifications they are working on or just finished, a ride they did or plan to go on, or any kind of story at all? We give plenty of leeway when the submission deadlines are, but it just seems the members just want their Vboost without participating in creating it a magazine to what it is supposed to be!
With that said, how are we to produce a magazine that every seems to bicker about to have a copy, but when we ask them to submit an article.......I surely don't see many members, if any at all, submitting anything. I wish all these people that cry bloody murder about the Vboost would put their money where their mouth is and submit content! This goes for any and all members! If we could even get 10% of our member pool to submit content, it would be an awesome magazine to read!!!
Let me ask you, during your membership from 2003 - 2011, how many articles did you submit for the vboost?
My 2 cents for the day........