Wayne LaPierre (NRA) on TV Sunday am

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Jun 25, 2008
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columbia county new york
The battle to save our Second Amendment freedoms is raging right now.

And if you saw any coverage of this week's Senate hearings on gun control, you know the media elites and the gun ban lobby are running wild with half-truths, deceptions, and downright lies about you, me and our gun rights.
So I'm going on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to set the record straight! Please watch at 9:00 a.m. ET this Sunday - and tell your family, friends and fellow gun owners to watch as well.
As always, thank you for your support and your willingness to STAND AND FIGHT with me and NRA.

I've never been more grateful to have you fighting by my side.

Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President
Piers Morgan is like watching Really Bad Championship Wrestling. He should see the Cartoon in this post and then go back to England willingly... CNN actually has a couple Good Hosts. I've been following all the channels.
Piers Morgan dalibertely set Alex Jones up for that interview.Knowing Jones would go off on a angry ti-rate, so Morgan could show how people with guns are all nuts. Further setting Jones up for the 911 conspiracy theory witch really made him look like a total Fruit cake. Jones did not help gun owners one bit in that interview.:damn angry: IMO

Piers Morgan dalibertely set Alex Jones up for that interview.Knowing Jones would go off on a angry ti-rate, so Morgan could show how people with guns are all nuts. Further setting Jones up for the 911 conspiracy theory witch really made him look like a total Fruit cake. Jones did not help gun owners one bit in that interview.:damn angry: IMO

Well said Rusty :bang head:
i think mr. morgan needs to come to Texas.:red ass::gun shoot::flamethrower::th_biggun::BoomSmilie_anim:
I watched it this morning and talk about being one sided feeling.

I guess criminals really pay attention to laws, hmm wait a tick... if they paid attention to laws, why do we call them criminals again ?:ummm:

"So your saying if we attack gangs in Chicago, how would that help the people in Newtown?"

Ummm so we are only concerned that if we attack one problem it doesn't help everyone everywhere so we say screw it ?

I stay out of these conversations usually, but man is there so much misinformation out there on this and MANY other important subjects.

Yup! Texas, where guns will not keep you safe.[/QUOTE]

I certainly hope nobody is foolish enough to think guns are gonna keep them safe....at the very best they give you a fighting chance at survival.

Not sure what you were trying to get across with your link but obviously the 101st airborn couldn't have prevented that tragedy!!
I watched it this morning and talk about being one sided feeling.

I guess criminals really pay attention to laws, hmm wait a tick... if they paid attention to laws, why do we call them criminals again ?:ummm:

"So your saying if we attack gangs in Chicago, how would that help the people in Newtown?"

Ummm so we are only concerned that if we attack one problem it doesn't help everyone everywhere so we say screw it ?

I stay out of these conversations usually, but man is there so much misinformation out there on this and MANY other important subjects.

I feel the same way Todd, some common sense and honesty needs to be applied, but the sway backed politicians running this country have, it seems to me, a "run it into the ground" mentality, all for their own self serving purposes.
People are the problem, Period. I don't believe we'll ever control the Guns, nor do I see any future in trying.
The only way to even begin controlling the violence, gun or otherwise is to impose such horrific punishments
for random violent crimes that sane people decide it's just not worth going there. Insane people, or people
that "Snap",,, there's literally nothing we can do unless we can identify them. In some cases it may be easy
but for most, there's no way to tell in advance.

People have killed people since the beginning of our existence. If we took all the potential weapons off the planet,
someone would still find a way to kill others. Even if they had to hold them down until they starved to death.

Gun control for legal Americans is not the answer no matter what anyone thinks. It will have the opposite effect
on violent crime, just like it has in so many other countries around the world. Controlling sales of guns to
criminals may very slightly slow the process but I'm sure any of our enemy's will see that criminals here can still
get guns.

Gun Violence and Crimes might stop if people became extinct. Then you'd have to figure out which animals are
capable of pulling the trigger.:confused2:

BTW: Assault Style Weapons are used in 0.6% of the murders and mass shootings. Banning them for Law Abiding
Americans will do nothing to those numbers. Except for possibly making it easier for the bad guys to buy any
of the millions that would be dumped onto the Black Market...

This whole issue is Lose, Lose, Lose. I see small wins from a few intelligent ideas that have come out of our government.
Actually, unless he forgets the thought, Joe Biden summed things up pretty well in a statement a few days ago.
piers morgan dalibertely set alex jones up for that interview.knowing jones would go off on a angry ti-rate, so morgan could show how people with guns are all nuts. Further setting jones up for the 911 conspiracy theory witch really made him look like a total fruit cake. Jones did not help gun owners one bit in that interview.:damn angry: Imo

Yup! Texas, where guns will not keep you safe.

LaPierre pushes a wacked-out, message of fear to enrich his personal bank account.
I agree with you David, its MUCH safer in MEXICO, where guns are illegal, and there is no NRA!!

Also, I heard when LaPierre isn't enriching his bank account with "message of fear", he clubs baby seals, steps on kittens, and spits on school children. Thank god we have wonderfull examples on how good life outside of the evil capitalist US is, like MEXICO. Long live Che Guevarra, Castro, and Chavez!!!
I agree with you David, its MUCH safer in MEXICO, where guns are illegal, and there is no NRA!!

Also, I heard when LaPierre isn't enriching his bank account with "message of fear", he clubs baby seals, steps on kittens, and spits on school children. Thank god we have wonderfull examples on how good life outside of the evil capitalist US is, like MEXICO. Long live Che Guevarra, Castro, and Chavez!!!

Yeah....his "message of fear!" :rofl_200: Really crazy stuff like...."there are bad guys out there with guns...." or "we NEED to protect our children...NOW....", I've even heard.... "we need to start enforcing the laws we currently have on the books, not write new ones...." and the one that's totally over the top...."our mental health system is broken....it doesn't work....."!

Really whacked out, unreasonable stuff....who in their right mind would ever listen to a head case like that? :ummm:

Actually, I hope LaPierre is making a ton of money considering all the **** he has to put up with from the liberal media, politicians, etc....constantly being bated, set up with loaded questions to look like a fool or a crazy.....even having to defend his armed security to Wallace....OF COURSE he needs armed security! If you don't think the anti gunners have their 'radical fringe,' think again!

Those aren't interviews, he's undergoing cross examination of a hostile witness!
(Is that what they teach the students in that school you teach metal shop in?)



I just gots to know------

Which metal shop teacher are you refering to????

Dave lists his residence in Mexico---- the fine town of Rosarita. I'm in Reno, Nevada and I do teach metal shop,small motors, and auto shop. I also run the Republican club and tend to lean just a bit to the right of Attila the Hun.

But our school pledges to the flag every day and I keep the "moment of silence" ---silent as do most of our teachers.

Most of our teachers keep thier politics in the lunch room and out of the classroom. Our clubs give the students a chance to find thier own political awearness.

So Dave,
Are you a metal shop teacher also??

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I just gots to know------

Which metal shop teacher are you refering to????

Dave lists his residence in Mexico---- the fine town of Rosarita. I'm in Reno, Nevada and I do teach metal shop,small motors, and auto shop. I also run the Republican club and tend to lean just a bit to the right of Attila the Hun.

But our school pledges to the flag every day and I keep the "moment of silence" ---silent as do most of our teachers.

Most of our teachers keep thier politics in the lunch room and out of the classroom. Our clubs give the students a chance to find thier own political awearness.

So Dave,
Are you a metal shop teacher also??


Yes, sorry, I thought New Mexico, and thought he was a teacher.

Mexico, our model country, a royal **** hole run by drug runners and citizens coming here for our safety net by the millions,,,what a great country Mexico is.
Just don't drink the water.:rofl_200:
