well i did it

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give me your address so i can come beat the **** out of your pussy ass, do you have the balls (***********). try me pussy boy.

Give it a rest aye Dave. I'm pretty sure with that post, it might be a mute point and your account will be tossed into the permanent bit bucket.
Give it a rest aye Dave. I'm pretty sure with that post, it might be a mute point and you account will be tossed into the permanent bit bucket.

it is "moot" not mute. if your gonna use a word know how it is used and spelled.:whistlin:

since i corrected you i must be an ******* now.
it is "moot" not mute. if your gonna use a word know how it is used and spelled.:whistlin:

since i corrected you i must be an ******* now.

Nope, why would you think you would be an *******. But thank you for the class on the word "moot"
C'mon toadface just post a pick of the bike & be done with it. I know you know how, hell you used to change your avatar almost daily:biglaugh:
give me your address so i can come beat the **** out of your pussy ass, do you have the balls (***********). try me pussy boy.

well that's what i thought vmaxinid, ****

Wow man, off the meds again?

I live on an Indian Reservation.
You sure you wanna come out here to my Sovern Nation?
Do you know what me and my NDN broz do to people like you?
My sister is the head prosecuting Attorney, my Aunt is the Cheif of Police.
You may never make it out in one piece if you are not careful.......

P.S. 6'2" 260lb Native American biker bar bouncer for over 5 years.

But I'm the nicest guy you'll never meet. :rofl_200:

P.S. Is this how people like you flirt? Cause you sure have a hard on for me!
Nope, why would you think you would be an *******. But thank you for the class on the word "moot"

earlier in this thread vmaxinID corrected vmax 190 on the "ninga" spelling and he made the ******* list.

so i was being a harsh smart ass when i was correcting you and told you to use the word properly. therefore i must be a cocksucking *******

so vmax 190 as you can see i gave this guy/vmaxride06 some **** and he didnt realize i was giving him **** and didnt catch on to my snide reference to the earlier post and he took it and replied without getting upset.
No reason to get upset on this board, its a motorcycle forum, we share the same interests, hell man the world is a ****** up place, here i can escape for a while, gain some knowledge and have some fun breaking balls. No reason for anyone to be nasty, you can get that over on the yahoo boards if you need your fill. Gary runs a tight ship, he needs to keep it that way, I do appreciate the space he provides and in return, I soak up as much information as I can, I share what I can, I donate and break balls. Pretty simple to be honest. Others can do what they want, but try not to make it personal.

My .03 cents.

Chris Hansen
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