Westboro pigs win.

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Bill Seward

Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
Holland NY
Supreme Court just ruled WBC has the constitutional right to continue with the sick protests they've become known, and hated for.

Hear that noise? It's our Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves....:bang head:
I hope these ******** get what's coming to them soon!!! :angry flame::angry flame::angry flame:
Westboro didn't win. The United states Constitution did.
I hate these people with a passion but the first allows for freedom of press, assembly, petition, religion and speech.
No where in there does it give rights to a certain group of people and not others.
Would you feel better if the courts ruled that they could protest and that the Patriot Riders couldn't block them?

We won. The westboro **** did too. Just remember that it's our soldiers that keep that right our founding fathers gave us.

I'll defend their right to free speech with my life and my arms (provided by the second), but I'll spit in their face while I'm doing it.

Just my two cents.
That isn't why I went in the military.....to protect the rights of jerk-offs like the westboro bunch. And nothing will convince me that the founding fathers had any intention of protecting them either.

Freedom of speech gives individuals the right to speak out against tyranny, legislation without proper representation....things like that! Not so some group of homophobics can scream in the faces of a family who just lost a loved one in the war.

The system is coming apart at the seams!! :punk:
I doubt that the founding fathers ever saw fucktards like this in our future when they decided to risk their lives, homes, and families to make this country free from the iron hands of a monocracy.
Free to worship God, free to worship a spaghetti monster, or free to worship nothing. I somehow doubt that a spaghetti monster was in their thoughts when they met in Liberty Hall.

You're biased because you don't want your brothers to suffer the indignity that these ***** display. I'm with you. believe me. But if you take away their right, where does it end?

We may never agree, but I have to say thank you for allowing me to post this on here.
Just being able to discuss this topic from both sides shows how the system works...in principle...just like the founding fathers imagined...:worthy:

The people who hide behind this principle will get theirs...in due time .
i'm sorry but i would be in jail for beating the fawk out of those ********!!! i'm a veteran and would absolutely NOT stand for that **** during another vets funeral that paid the ultimate price to keep those ******* their rights!!! i'm sorry but they really piss me off!!!
i'm sorry but i would be in jail for beating the fawk out of those ********!!! i'm a veteran and would absolutely NOT stand for that **** during another vets funeral that paid the ultimate price to keep those ******* their rights!!! i'm sorry but they really piss me off!!!

I could not agree more. Fortunately the same freedoms given to them are the ones we have as well. Drowning out the voices of those ******** are the voices of those who know the sacrifice given by the proud men and women who protect the freedoms the Founding Fathers earned. The idiots protesting will get theirs, it always happens and it is always good when it does:punk:
yeah i would like to drown out their voices, with my foot holding their head under water till dead...
The Supreme Court is simply saying ' If they cant open their mouths then neither can you '...BUT , you do have the right NOT to listen to them .
I agree that these ******** are the scum of the earth and another example of the deterioration of our society. However, if you look at the WBC and why they actually do what they do it becomes even clearer that they are the lowest form of life. The Phelps family lives on the lawsuits that they bring forth against the people that attack them during these rallies. They also sue companies and individuals whenever they feel the need to. The founder Fred Phelps was disbarred from Law in Kansas due to a lawsuit he brought against a court reporter and having perjured. Best way to deal with scum like this in my opinion? Ignore them.
Yeah, but it's pretty hard to ignore them when you are attending a funeral and they are yelling and waving their signs right next to you. I'm afraid I would be with a previous poster, we would both be in jail for beating the crap out of these ********.
I didn't hang years in the military for the communists, Pinkos, nor for the likes of these jackazzes. Was talking with the guys at work this week about these turds. One guy said they have lawyers in the sect, waiting for someone to screw up. Just wish they'd change the name of their cult to Hellz Kitchen. They have nothing to do with the Lord, excluding being described as scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites.

Anyone heard what happened to the wounded vet in Lehigh that was arrested for stalking the pigs? If he's out this summer, on one of my summer bike rides, I may stop by for a visit. It'll be on my way. Surely, everybody in town will know where he lives.
You're biased because you don't want your brothers to suffer the indignity that these ***** display. I'm with you. believe me. But if you take away their right, where does it end?

What he said. I support these ******** right to protest.

Even more importantly I support the right of those that want to turn the tables on these wack-jobs and make them feel the sting of misery. It is unfortunate that the good guys are usually spending their life working to build something positive and don't have time and inclination to research the locations of each and everyone of these jackwagons and make it priority one to f with them in every single legal way that can be dreamed, imagined, or constructed.
Good people want to attend to their own business first, and in today's society that means little time for building up some payback for the pathetic losers that build nothing but anarchy.:icon_rolleyes:
This isn't about freedom of speech or the right to peaceful protest or any of that crap....it's about minipulating the legal system through harrassment and abuse and making money from it.

Why doesn't phelps lead his band of dipshits to some 'bangers' funereal....some brotha gunned down by a rival gang over turf control or some such ****....start yelling out racial slurs and telling the family and friends of the deceased he was taken by God cause the USA allows same sex marriages....or whatever the **** they blab on about...ey?

Why doesn't he exercise his right to protest in that manner? Cause he'd get the **** kicked out of him, along with the rest of those losers....be damn lucky to make it out alive.....but if he did he coud exercise his right to sue!

The courts would laugh at them!

But the military guys family has to suck it up and take it? Nothing right about this **** at all!

Bear spray.....it really is the only answer! :punk: