What did Santa bring you for Christmas?

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Best present, Got a call from our Son. He left Alaska, mid month and the Temperature was -40. When they arrived in Vegas there was a hundred degrees difference. Said they drove over the new Hoover Bridge and will be going to the Sky Walk too...:biglaugh: No other presents.
I have been using that line for years lol.......
Unfortunately I didn't get a pair of boots :rofl_200: Going on 17 years of marriage she knows I talk a lot of schitt, but it's all in fun. She did get me some nice gifts, but the best one is having her by my side for the past 20 years.

I think what you meant to say was "The best one is have her ASS by my side for the past 20 years!" :rofl_200:
Nice Danny! Sounds like COPRUNNER may get that bigger garage to stop in after all!:biglaugh:

Nah, not gonna work that way Brian!! There'll just be more obstacles for him to avoid!! :biglaugh:

Besides, we instituted BRC Reg. #1 last summer...."Driveway burnouts in a southerly direction...ONLY!" :no no no:

This is me & Tugla heading 'south'!! :rofl_200:
Of course I'll move the truck and may even blow the leaves off....maybe!! :hihi:


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Nah, not gonna work that way Brian!! There'll just be more obstacles for him to avoid!! :biglaugh:

Besides, we instituted BRC Reg. #1 last summer...."Driveway burnouts in a southerly direction...ONLY!" :no no no:

This is me & Tugla heading 'south'!! :rofl_200:
Of course I'll move the truck and may even blow the leaves off....maybe!! :hihi:
Prudent move my friend, no need for unplanned garage expansions to get in the way of safety updates on your Vmax's!!:biglaugh:
A Battery Tender Jr for the bike. I didn't have a problem charging it once a month or so, but as long as this thing works guess it's one less thing to think about.

A HD Hero motorsports camera. A tiny little indestructible camera that records in full 1080 HD, or 720 HD at 60fps for slo-mo playback. Expect some Vmax movies in the spring for your viewing pleasure. Top speed runs, my favorite curvy roads, ect. I can mount it on the fork brace, or using the suction cup to the faux tank, and have it stick up above the handlebars with the speedo in the frame. I would mount it to the side of the helmet, but I can see why that's "not recommended for speeds in excess of 70mph".

A tiny little remote control helicopter that you fly around the house.

New HMK snowmobile boots

A SpongeBob SquarePants wall calendar. I don't know either.
i . I DIDN'T GET ANYTHING , DOES THIS MEAN " I'M AN ******* " ? .. :confused2: .. :sad2: .. :rofl_200:
30 watt guitar amp, new guitar strings, guitar chord bible, 210,000 BTU propane burner for beer brewing, headphones for Ipod, fleece coat and huge set of Allen keys (metric and SAE). I was spoiled rotten. I did NOT get my Red Rider bee-bee gun however....

Man, you were spoiled. And you don't need a bee bee gun. I see how you ride.:biglaugh:

Was there at Vegas and Hoover last August, 13. Nice area to visit.

People got some neeto stuff, a shotgun, a stereo... All I got was a couple hundred rds of 54r blammo, which I had to trip to KC to get it. But the kids made out like bandits, and that's all that matters to me. Oh yeah, Mama got a nice home stereo. Gotta go play army on the boy's X BOX.:biglaugh:

Happy New Years!
Santa (my parents) bought us both iPads. My wife and I were surprised to say the least.
New deer-hide slippers, PS3, and some 15-year-old scotch. :biglaugh:
I going to pickup kinect for xbox once it goes on sale. Then I'm going to clear a spot out in the basement, hook up my cassette player and start working out to some of my old punk tapes! It's the cheapest mod I can do to make my Vmax faster!:biglaugh:
Well, I guess you can ride a GF year around too! Man you're gonna have it made getting all that "riding" in that hot sun. You will have to to put 50 spf on yer ass just so you won't get sunburned and not be able to "ride" your Vmax!:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:
I dont want to hijack this thread but all the talk off coprunner moving to FLA got me thinkin, WHERES HE GONNA PUT HIS SPIKES?
i .ALSO , I'M GOING TO GET " ABS " TATTOOED ONTO MY STOMACH , BECAUSE I'M SURE NOT GOING TO WORK-OUT ! .. :confused2: ..:rofl_200::rofl_200::rofl_200:

I hear your getting a little weather over there.
I love this thing. I ended up giving away my PS2 and 13 games. I knew the PS3 did some cool ****, but not this much.

I have it piped in to my house's wireless internet. over 300gb of hard drive space. I'm streaming movies from netflix, downloading demos from the playstation netowrk, not to mention the graphix of the games. I have it hooked up to the flat screen in my bedroom via a high def cable (not included, definately better picture).

my old PS was a great stress reliever from school. I think this one will fill the duty just fine :clapping:
Everyone at Sam's Club had to hear me get called "*******" the other day.....

Maybe that's why I only got a call from my Son.... and no presents... :rofl_200:
That's another beuatiful things about a Maxgasser seat, it's still comfortable even with a sunburned ass. It even accomodates SPF 80 on your bum with no dangerous consequences. I got coal, need I say more....