Well-Known Member
Thank goodness NOTHING! Instead of the Vmax, wife and I went on the FJR along backroads to Lynchburg, Tn. About 35 miles from home. Going about 45 and taking it real easy (wife of board) a very large deer jumped out of a creek bed and impacted my front wheel with about 1/2 second notice. I emergency braked and then we impacted and bike seperated from the two of us. We rolled and slid for quite a ways. Ambulance ride and xrays a while later we got to go home to 24 hours of sore can't move hell. Wife so bad she could not breath. Went Sunday to a larger (better) hospital where they found broke ribs on her and possible begining of pneumonia. We stayed in hospital until today. I was in bad shape too but not too bad to have my own bed and slept half ass on a recliner. More pain meds and we came home. I go back to my Dr. in morning. I am having difficulty breathing, big toe broke and we both have road rash, (hers worse). Bike has comprehensive so they said they would fix it (Progressive). Full face helments were scrapped bad, especially the face guards. But we are able to walk! Ironically I had been talking to CasseyJones on another site (Samurai) before this happened then told him what had taken place; thought the name was familiar and low and behold he is a Vmax man also! I would have been sick if my Max was bent!