A vmax is like a Lay's potato chips. You can't have just one.Doubled down and bought another. (rode it to work yesterday, back on the Venture today, 34 degrees...)
The new one also has Kosman + radials.
Doubled down and bought another. (rode it to work yesterday, back on the Venture today, 34 degrees...)
The new one also has Kosman + radials.
Just as a point of information for our uninformed members, what's it like going from riding the bias-ply bike, to immediately hopping onto the radial-tired bike?
What do you notice about low speed handling, higher-speed handling, and then VBoosted handling? Stability in a straight line, going around curves, right-to-left transitions (and vice-versa), moderate braking, emergency braking, smooth vs. broken pavement, potholes, bumps, slick intersections w/the oil,fuel, water deposits, wet vs. dry pavement...
If someone said, "here's $1,000 but you have to spend it on your bike only!" would you choose to "go radials," if you could do it for that price?
Inquiring minds want to know...
I just dropped $2700 on rims and tires and would do it again right now. It's a different bike. Spools up faster. Digs in harder. Brakes better. Suspension is much improved (and I have racetech front and progressive rear).
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I just dropped $2700 on rims and tires and would do it again right now. It's a different bike. Spools up faster. Digs in harder. Brakes better. Suspension is much improved (and I have racetech front and progressive rear).
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man I almost did not spend that much on the bike
True...but my bike is mine. Nobody else gets to have it. You cannot go out and buy it. You must build it. To me, that is worth more than any new, fancy, super duper anything.
I could have bought a gen2, no problem...but that is not the bike I fell in love with in 1985.
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Got my tool tube mounted... It's actually a couple inches further back and up than in the pic so the center stand will clear.
Got my tool tube mounted... It's actually a couple inches further back and up than in the pic so the center stand will clear.