What did you do to your Vmax today? Part 2

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The previous owner sent me the windscreen he had removed from the bike. I bolted it on to see if I liked it. Still undecided. He had removed the OEM turn signals and put some small LED ones on it. The front ones wrap around the fork. There were pretty noticeable but the tiny ones he put on each side of the rear reflector you can't hardly see at all. I had Sean at Morley's Muscle send me out a set of short turn signals. I like the way the fronts came out and I left the wrap arounds on there as well. I going to put the back ones on when Sean gets some more of the reflector to brake light conversion kits back in.

I'm making progress! Finally got my bearings in so I dropped the wheels and tires off at the mechanic, had him put the new bearings in front and back and mount the tires. I came home and put the rotors on. Getting closer and closer.


Not today but yesterday for me... I finished hooking up new turn signals. Installing rear brake caliper with new bleeder valves. Went buy Lowes and got stainless steel allen head bolts for rear grab bar. Installed Hwy Pegs, new foam grips, and removed the carbs... this is all on the 95. I did order some new handle bar allen head bolts today, since the UFO ones for the 1" riser keep rusting, but paid almost another $10 for shipping.. Also order a stand for my buffer for polishing my parts, and a small scissor bike lift.( wife is gonna kill me) ... and put $250 in savings for Thunder in PA..... Wondering if I should piss off new neighbors that moved in next door tomorrow, thinking of riding the 90 with 4-1 slash cut to work..... Thinking seeing what packing does to the UFO megaphone, maybe a little bit deeper sound... Bike Nights start here Wednesday, and I haven't cleaned the bike up in about 2 years...
I'm making progress! Finally got my bearings in so I dropped the wheels and tires off at the mechanic, had him put the new bearings in front and back and mount the tires. I came home and put the rotors on. Getting closer and closer.



I really like what you did to clean up those wheels, and the new rotors....
I pulled my shorai battery off the shelf in my office, put it back where it belongs, turned the key and listened to the fuel pump prime the system, put the choke about half way and hit the button....IT"S ALIVE. Roared right to life. Can't wait for a ride.
I pulled my shorai battery off the shelf in my office, put it back where it belongs, turned the key and listened to the fuel pump prime the system, put the choke about half way and hit the button....IT"S ALIVE. Roared right to life. Can't wait for a ride.

I just love it when they come of hibernation that painlessly.
I changed the Dunlops that were on the bike when I bought it, to a set of Shinkos. The shinkos feel amazing on that bike. So much so, that I passed a cop that was pulling on the interstate, I was doing 95. I immediately slowed down, but glad that he didnt appear to be paying attention.

It was also the first time that i really got to use the lift that I bought, and yep, it did make things easier. I also had a little scissor jack that i had, that works well with the lift to get the front or the rear lifted independently.

Also found the perfect point on the Vmax to strap the bike down, just incase it comes to that. I added a strap on the Vmax......just incase, although probably wasnt needed.


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Nice & shiny parts on that bike, you can go thru mine to make it look like that, anytime! :biglaugh:

I've always liked the '85 side covers. I think they are great, I just like the embossed VMax logo.

I say, you're wise to strap the thing down, insurance against an expensive mistake. :punk:
Nice & shiny parts on that bike, you can go thru mine to make it look like that, anytime! :biglaugh:

I've always liked the '85 side covers. I think they are great, I just like the embossed VMax logo.

I say, you're wise to strap the thing down, insurance against an expensive mistake. :punk:

Thanks, it really is a beautiful bike. I lucked into it more than anything else, and it has an interesting history. It was owned by John Ganey of PCW fame before it went to Dannymax.

After riding Joe Alorios 1260, I had kept my eyes and ears open after that. When Danny put this one up for sale, I knew that I wanted it.

Joe is one person that I miss.
I changed the Dunlops that were on the bike when I bought it, to a set of Shinkos. The shinkos feel amazing on that bike. So much so, that I passed a cop that was pulling on the interstate, I was doing 95. I immediately slowed down, but glad that he didnt appear to be paying attention.

It was also the first time that i really got to use the lift that I bought, and yep, it did make things easier. I also had a little scissor jack that i had, that works well with the lift to get the front or the rear lifted independently.

Also found the perfect point on the Vmax to strap the bike down, just incase it comes to that. I added a strap on the Vmax......just incase, although probably wasnt needed.

Nice lift Eric! On a side note I have a 30 amp fuse like that mounted in the same location, it's for the rectifier under the LH scoop.
I sent Joe a helmet I had that I wasn't using, it was something I got in a deal, and the former owner had it for passengers, of which he had few. So, it didn't get used but a couple of times before I got it, and I just set it on a shelf, until in my emails with Joe, I found out about the health issues, and his need for a new helmet. It went to him, and I was pleased to see a pic either he or someone else posted here, that the helmet was visible in the background. Joe was a good rider from what he and I discussed about our love of bikes, and our experiences. He had some very decent quarter-mile achievements on his VMax, I saw the time slips. I know he's watching over us, and having a good time seeing what fun we still have here, and the brotherhood that stems from our mutual association concerning the Yamaha V-4. :rocket bike:

Thanks, it really is a beautiful bike. I lucked into it more than anything else, and it has an interesting history. It was owned by John Ganey of PCW fame before it went to Dannymax.

After riding Joe Alorios 1260, I had kept my eyes and ears open after that. When Danny put this one up for sale, I knew that I wanted it.

Joe is one person that I miss.
Joe was a good rider from what he and I discussed about our love of bikes, and our experiences. He had some very decent quarter-mile achievements on his VMax, I saw the time slips. I know he's watching over us, and having a good time seeing what fun we still have here, and the brotherhood that stems from our mutual association concerning the Yamaha V-4. :rocket bike:

Joe was a good rider. I had met up with him to put a new map into his ignitech. After that we took them out for a test ride. I was on the 1260 and Joe was on his 85. He had fallen back, and I was keeping about a solid 70. Next thing I know, he comes out of nowhere, and passed me like I was sitting still. He told me that he had gotten the 85 to 145 and got out of it due to a curve ahead. He took it up that high, because he was curious to see how it would run with the new map.

He put me up for the night, and for the 2 days that I was there he would NOT allow me to pay for anything. He was the epitome of southern hospitality.
Good evening. Yesterday i attempted to install a leather strap i purchased on ebay for
for 20 dollars. A second riders handle allowing the two up to hold on to the bike an not the rider. From a position other than below the butt. I imagined this was a reach forward type for the 2nd rider. After hours of modeling how this strap might attach i gave up. It was marked in red pen as were many other parts from a 1993 Vmax at the vendors ebay page. The Salvage co in Lewisville Texas were of no use in terms of instruction on how to secure the strap to the bike. Mike at Starrider Performance sent me here..
Well in the last few days I reassembled the forks (leaking) , put new front pads in (had oil on one side) , put some alloy back on I had refinished, new front tyre , refinished one scoop grill to see how it looked ( rust kill and black paint), and dropped the oil and filter to let it drain overnight.
And burned my hand on the pipe. The irony is I did a first aid course for work today!

Tomorrow I ride! It will be my first ride since I first got it - and found the oily mess after the ride home.
We have had 7 inches of rain in a few days so it wasnt worth a ride lately anyway.
We still have broken/closed roads due to the 2016 quake but I can have a bit of a ride.

The slips this week due to rain pushed some temporary barriers ( 20 foot shipping containers full of rocks ) over 2 lanes and into the sea. The quake loosened things and the road keep closing. Oh well, its a beautiful town.

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