If you search the factory shop manual, you will not see any instructions for splitting the calipers. That is why
gentsvmax did not want you to split them. Also, though it can be done, if it's done wrong, think of the consequences: loss of brakes, which can have very serious consequences. I will leave it to you to imagine the outcome of a worst-case scenario.
Yes, it will be more-difficult to clean any oxidation/corrosion from the bores, if you don't separate the halves. An experienced mechanic may approach the overhaul differently than an amateur would. You could ask at your local Yamaha dealer, "would you overhaul my brakes, and would it involve splitting the halves?" They probably would tell you, "we
will not do a partial job!" You may find an independent shop which will overhaul your calipers.
Buying new calipers is an option, but they are expensive.
Caliper Assy (Right)
Retail Price: $526.99
Your Price: $441.03
Caliper Assy (Left)
Retail Price: $594.99
Your Price: $470.78
If you don't have the experience to safely do the work, I suggest you find a competent local shop toy provide that service for you.