Well-Known Member
For those that aren't aware. I do actually make lazer cut stainless inserts to replace the crappy aluminum ones. I even have a few chromed and ready to go.
For those that aren't aware. I do actually make lazer cut stainless inserts to replace the crappy aluminum ones. I even have a few chromed and ready to go.
Inserts for the radiator covers. Haven't got around to making the scoop inserts yet.
Inserts for the radiator covers. Haven't got around to making the scoop inserts yet.
Lets see if this link works:!/photo.php?pid=3293085&id=282702488678
Crap Picture though.
Another one (also showing the brake adapters chromed):!/photo.php?pid=3293095&id=282702488678
I have been doing a little polishing on the SS exhaust, scoops, footpegs and shift lever. My fingers are sore and raw but at least it's out of the way. The list is getting smaller with few items like finding SS allen head replacements, ordering front tire, vboost/ carb rubber joints and couple items to clean up the look.
Oh, yeah, one other little thing....install the Morley repaired motor!unk:
The weather here has been unseasonably warm but I still think (shudder at the thought) more snow before mothernature gives up this winter weather and brings on the rain and spring.
I have looked (and :drool at that site as they have some nice premade sets for the Vmax and also delicious looking titanium stuff. You can also find push on caps for dressing up the allen heads here too.That polishing must be murder!! It looks great but I'm too lazy....rather shoot it instead! :biglaugh:
Check these guys out Brian....Tasty Nuts!....hey, I didn't name it!! :rofl_200:
They got everything!
Maybe it was the loose nut that installed it! :rofl_200:rode her yesterday. left rear header came loose though, weird. now it won't seal 100%. looks like a new exhaust gasket is in the mix
wonder if the solid mounts caused it. basically the two nuts that hold the flange on came loose so it wondered out of the Y fitting. about 3 miles down the road, it got REAL loud, REAL quick.