Grrr...pulling up to park in poorly lit lot I had not been in before. Small ramp out of a storage building, went across it sideways (not seeing it), came down off the edge of it with the front tire and went to put my left foot down, but couldn't reach the ground. *splat*
Slider saved the plastics, but still managed to get the stator cover, nicked the left mirror and my pride. mc-man and friends were there to pour a beer down me and offer consolation.
The slider is gonna take another month to get (from Germany), but it probably saved me over $1k. Suzuki wants $150+ for an OEM mirror, so I'm looking around for some good aftermarket ones before being bent over by them.
There's your story. The bumming me out factor is still ongoing, but finally getting the stator cover replaced has helped some. One would have thought the 20 coats of wax on the thing would have just let me buff it out, no?