Thanks Danny, its slowly getting there. Garrett, I think you'll be ok if you just avoid this scenario...
exactly.. just gotta keep my head up!
Thanks Danny, its slowly getting there. Garrett, I think you'll be ok if you just avoid this scenario...
Well you deserve some quality Vmax thrashing time Shel! Give 'er hell man!Well i finally got mt bar ends and mek levers in today and have them installed on the bike,both look awesome.I ordered these items on the 4th of march after i got back from my terrible trip to florida.Thats all behind me now all i have left to do now is the paint/black chrome the skins and i am riding the ******* **** out of this bike.:eusa_dance:
I ordered a set of Carrozz, Carreazzol, Carrerrazioll, Cannoli......... forged aluminum wheels for my Vmax. Might be one of the last new sets in existance!
2-3 weeks. Can't wait. Check the forsale section as I am selling my RC/RMSportmax rear wheel once these arrive.
I`m glad he`s living with you now LOL. That little bastard wiped me out !!:biglaugh: but i`m going to try to ride mine today.Im about to pull the 02 off the lift and put the 09 on the lift to get ready for the upcoming treats i will be getting in the mail,i will be adding a photo gallery of both bikes when i am done.I am not really a picture person but i have had alot of request for pics so i will do it for those guys who asked,ps i had to sell blood to afford a camera since the mod monkey moved in and took over my finances.:rofl_200::rofl_200:
I finally got to ride mine for a littie while today but I can scrap the weekend though, My `ol lady trapped me into having to drive to lake Tahoe for one of those time share things :confused2:but, it`s supposed to rain down here anyway. so, I`m going out to ride alittle bit more before I have to start packing.:damn angry: